Critter control


New member
I was trapping pocket gophers the other day and I was wondering? Does anyone else do this?

Do pocket gophers live in other states besides MN? I have never looked.

I was setting traps with my daughter and she wanted a picture of a gopher if I get any. Because she would be at school and didn't want to miss out. (She is such a princess) :thumbsup:

lots nof gophers in iowa. even more when capt. cootie tries to control them. i would open tunnel at both ends, pour gasoline in one hole walk over to next hole and threw a light match at it. this is best done when parents are not home. if done properly you can have your own small version of chaddyshack. it is amazing what 25 years with a gas company can teach you.

thats to funny. :D you were like me at a young age. best done when perental control is not around:D
Blackclould you're a bad example. No wonder I grew up the way I did:mad: Remember the mystery bomb under the tree. Don't know what you had in it but it sure deleaved the tree. mushroom cloud and serious concosion noise:eek: makes me laugh every time I think about it.:D What a big brother I have.
Coot , Blackcloud
I turned my poor parents gray at a young age but Damn you guys must of really been something.:eek:
:) I'l pay a buck a piece for the kids to trap em at my place:D
They get old. I was looking at the Gopher Blaster 2,000 last year, a propane deal that blows up the burrow's. It looked like the real ticket. But they are spendy. Would definately be fun in a sick kinda way.

:) i saw that fancy propane critter gitter on the net. wow looks like fun to me.:D wonder how many fires got started this way:eek: :eek::D
All this critter talk has gave me an idea:eek: With my massive brain power I'm going to design a red neck critter getter. I figure by the end of summer i'll have one that all people can afford or I'll blow myself up trying:eek: I'll keep you posted on my progress. Ideas welcomed.
Coot, Why not take a lit propane torch, stick er in a open hole, cover and let er cook.:eek: Try it for me. Let me know.
Or:( put er in a hole not lit, wait 10 min then light er up. Ummmm maybe not.:eek:
hey coot. i had a reloading mistake. emptied left over powder into wrong container. have 3/4# of mixed powder you can use for your critter getter. better use it on casino tuesday when big red wont be home.
:) i saw that fancy propane critter gitter on the net. wow looks like fun to me.:D wonder how many fires got started this way:eek: :eek::D

A buddy of mine bought one and then the insurance guy scared him so bad he would not use it on all the gophers in my yard. I do have water and electrical lines running around some of the area. He does use it in Wyoming on prairie dogs.
I have to get rid of those things. The dogs get 3-4 a year but I am not keeping up. How do you trap them? Kill otherwise?

uguide, yup thats the fancy critter gitter, i was referring to. pyros unite indeed. lol lolm :thumbsup:
$1800 for a gophinator:eek::eek: i have made much larger,louder, deadlier devices for only a $ 1.50. they must have went overboard on silly safety features. looks like a great retirement job:thumbsup:
I once had a skunk that got into the garbage can in our carport every night. I couldn't keep or scare him away, so I decided to shoot him. My thinking was - kill him stone dead instantly, so he can't spray.

I shot him from 20 feet, right square between the eyes. He flopped over and emptied out.

Two years later the carport still stank.

I haven't shot anything I would not eat since.

jnormanh, wow, two years thats alotof skunk stink. i think we have all had a bad expireince or two with the black and white stink bomb. i once made the mistake of shooting one under my chicken coup. thought like you fast kill to the head. did not work so well lol lolm. i also wont mess with them any more:eek::eek::D:D
jnormanh. The myth is to shoot them in the lungs!!!! Good luck!!!!LOL
When it comes to shooting skunks the only truth is do it at a distance! and down wind.
$1800 for a gophinator:eek::eek: i have made much larger,louder, deadlier devices for only a $ 1.50. they must have went overboard on silly safety features. looks like a great retirement job:thumbsup:

They used to make one that was more affordable, for a couple hundred. I am trying to find out what they called them. They used to sell them here in Alex a couple years ago. I am hoping to find a used one or borrow one from someone here. I could have a hay day here right now with one. I did find a guy that might let me use one, I just have to get ahold of him. I will take a vid of my destruction when I do it.:D