Critter control

Had a large skunk in the basement of a home under construction.
This was a HUGE problem with no solution.:eek:
My brainstorm. :confused:
The 12 gauge, heavy #4.
Close enough range to eliminate the head, brain function.:cheers
a good cardboard box.
My crew was pretty good, they drew the line, could not talk one into helping.
I would shoot it have help VERY quickly get the critter in the box, no volunteers.:mad:
So I was on my own. about 10 feet all I dared, made a good hit, dropped the gun thew the headless critter in the box and up and outside.

Hey it worked:cheers:
anyone need help with a situation like this:) Your on your own.:D
oh no :eek: skunk stories:eek: i dont even know where to start. i'll try to narrow it down to 2 stories only. stay tuned this might take a day or two
I got my first coot critter control device built. No bomb:( but lots of gas fumes. No I didn't hook a hose to blackclouds butt:eek: Test it as soon as one starts to dig again. Lawn might look like something from WW1 better wear a mask:D
I like stories of dead skunks. Good shoot:thumbsup:
narrowed down to 3 stories. # 3 is never get a skunk caught in the u-joint of your just have to keep driving till all the pieces fly off.:eek: even worse when the car is a chevette. not much air volume in car so odor was very concentrated, car was not very air tight either. let lots of odor inside. why is it so easy for odor to get in but impossible for it to get out? stay tuned tommorrow for our second place story:cheers:
narrowed down to 3 stories. # 3 is never get a skunk caught in the u-joint of your just have to keep driving till all the pieces fly off.:eek: even worse when the car is a chevette. not much air volume in car so odor was very concentrated, car was not very air tight either. let lots of odor inside. why is it so easy for odor to get in but impossible for it to get out? stay tuned tommorrow for our second place story:cheers:

I have the same thoughts every time I ride with you:D And you have a bigger automobile now.
I've put several through the mower conditioner. LOVE IT!!
VERY much worth the stink.:) except when the wind is wrong.:eek:
survived oldest boys graduation. now its time for story # 2. years ago grandpa had a hoard of hungry hampshire piglets that were raiding grandmas flowers. he farrowed in a-houses so piglets pretty much ran free, over 100 little hamps can really tear up some yard. gramps put a strand of barb wire about six inches off the ground and hooked it up to the electric fence set on weed waker. no more hungry hamps in the garden. one morning the whole yard reeked of skunk. i was staying overnight there, gramps said you wont believe where skunk is. he was tangeled up in the barb wire:eek: he had been on it so long he sprayed himself dry. skunks body would tense up just knowing he would be zapped again, then whack. hair would stand on end, tail would jerk up then he would go limp. he would hiss then tense up and whack zapped again. skunk looked like he was ready to confess to every sin a skunk had ever commited, justn get me off wire:eek::eek: never will forget that poor skunk. gramps finally shot it. man did that hog yard stink

blackcloud 27, great story. thx for sharen. dont get me started about elctric fences. lol lol :D
Can I get a photo of the Dynamic Duo????????? Batman and Robin??? Coot & Cloud??? That should be a book of short stories!!!!!! LOL:eek::):mad::cheers:
I once had a skunk that got into the garbage can in our carport every night. I couldn't keep or scare him away, so I decided to shoot him. My thinking was - kill him stone dead instantly, so he can't spray.

I shot him from 20 feet, right square between the eyes. He flopped over and emptied out.

Two years later the carport still stank.

I haven't shot anything I would not eat since.

that's funny!
I've put several through the mower conditioner. LOVE IT!!
VERY much worth the stink.:) except when the wind is wrong.:eek:

That would have to be a mess:( Funny but still a mess.

Blackcloud I never thought a picture of a gopher would of turned out to be confessions of a skunk. I agree with Bleu. You missed your calling and should of been writter of short stories maybe get well cards? I do love the stories made me smile all night at work.

JMAC - lets here the Electric fence stories we have plenty of room on this thread.

So many replies I just had to try to get a few of them in. Great stories all.
I truly enjoy how everyone on this forum shares stories,:coolpics: and hunting info stuff like that. Well done everyone:thumbsup:
Back to story telling now. My electric fence story happened the other day. My brother not blackcloud the other one was going to jump in the pen to help me give the calfs there shots. But on the way in he forgot the wire ran up the post. Put his hand right on it. Zap on the ground he fell, but his foot got caught in the wire and he landed in the mud. I wanted to help but I was laughing to hard. By the way he was screaming it had to be painful. He finally got of it he was covered from head to toe with mud. All he said was oh my GOD that hurt. Thats what I was thinking to.
Skunk story about my dog. My dog use to like chasing cats. One evening while walking around the yard jake took of and ran into and old grain bin. He came out seconds later with this confessed look, and smelling bad:confused: He's never chased cats again.:D
hey coot good one. did he flop like a fish:p remember the time i hooked his big toes to the crank telephone while he was taking a nap. did he yell and scream like a girlyman? LMAO
bc and cc

great stories,
ok, electic fence stories.
i was about 10 years of age. my brother was about 5. my grandfather was about 50 or more. we all went out to tend the cattle. grandfather told me to jump the fence and feed the calves. i did, put my but on the ground hard, right in the middle, of fresh calf patties. granddad laughed, so hard he couldnt stand up. mean while my little brother had to do number one, and did so on the fence.:eek: granddad paid dearly for his laugh, grandmother, didnt find near so funny:D getting bit by those thing aint funny magee.:)
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time for story # 1. it was a nice january sat. morning. i was on call for the gas company. recieved a call of a strong inside gas odor. i rush to the address and as soon as a pull into yard i smell a skunk and see lots of garbage by house steps. lady runs out screaming you have to help us the house is full of gas and my children are thowing up.:eek: the first thing i asked her is where's the skunk! she say's it's in the basement. i shake my head in confusion. why did you call me. she says house is full of gas! i said NO its not thats skunk you smell. she says skunks dont smell that bad. told her to get her kids out of house they didnt deserve to have to put up with that smell. she says house has a gas leak. i asked her to look at the readout on my gas detector. asked what number was on screen she said 0. i said BINGO theres no gas in here. her gas meter was in the basement so i had to do an inspection of it. i VERY carefully creep down steps, tip toe past boxes, man did that basement stink:eek: she is still complaining it has to be gas suddenly movement in corner of basement by furnace:eek: ask her display read again she says zero. i yell thats good enough for me lets get out of here and run up basement steps and outside for fresh air. she finally catches up with me and asks do skunks really smell that bad? i said YES THEY DO!!!!! it finally sunk in with her.what had happened was skunk must have been near furnace when it came on and sprayed. blower sucked scent into duct work and spread it thru entire house. asked her how she knew skunk was in basement? she said for the last month it had been coming in and out of the rock foundation and eating with her cats by the back steps. i said why didnt you try to get rid of it? she said they did, they caught it in a live trap last week. i asked her if you had it in a trap how did it end up in the basement? she said they didn't have the heart to kill it so they let it go:eek::eek:. told her that was her first mistake!!!!! why didnt you call animal control. she said they didnt want to deal with it. so what makes you think the GAS COMPANY would?????? i left pissed off and very smelly had to strip down in gargage when i got home. went to house 2 years later and still smelled in basement. i bet you all thought i have been sprayed or bite didn'tyou:D

lol lolm. work almost always sucks, but some days it really sucks. thx for sharing.:thumbsup: