If corn stays $6+ and the sloughs don't fill up, we should get ready for a good deal of habitat loss. I remember the last time corn hit $7, every low spot got turned over and planted...and flooded out the following years.Hope it helps the farmers/ranchers...they’re in a tough spot. Talked to 2 of them yesterday, this rain will help a lot. With a decent rain and an end to 100 degree temps, my sources tell me they may get 100 bushel corn...not great, but at $6+ it works...last year was 150-175 bushel corn, but selling it as it was being harvested meant $3 per bushel, give or take. Tough business.
we knew this was inevitable. waste of time and diesel if normal precipt returns, happens with every dry year.Sloughs and low ground have been turned over already, at least where I hunt...bummer outcome when dry...