Concealed Carry Permit the Hard Way


Well-known member
I wanted a permit to get all the out-of-state reciprocity. Well, I have just the one sidearm, a .44. So the day before the all-day Saturday permit training class day I check my ammo and I had a full box of mags. I think, OK I'm all set to shoot the required 50 rounds to demonstrate proficiency, part of the process.

So, the class room part is over and now we're on the range. The first thing we have to do is shoot five rounds one-handed at short range. After about the third shot I realize that I should have bought a box of specials for this. After shooting 50 mags in far fewer minutes . . .
Yup, you should have brought a box of 38 specials. How is your wrist???:eek:

The wrist and hand did finally return to normal. ;)
lol... I'm guessing you knew exactly as you were counting down to the final few rounds... 47, 48.... 49... .and uh... finally 50! :)

It was a bit of an ordeal . . . and I felt stupid for not bringing specials.