Colorado Chukar

Were they trapping them in state Bleu?
No! i think they had 2 locations. Nevada and in the Northwest.
No! i think they had 2 locations. Nevada and in the Northwest.

Yeaa probably went to Field Trial Gamebirds and bought them from Steve!
Earlier this summer, CPW did release chukar Northwest of Fort Collins. The units are currently closed to chukar hunting, but they have been released. They intend on releasing more birds next year. I believe the birds came from Utah. Who knows, maybe it will be a success. I can honestly say I don't believe they would be attempting this project if there was not a reasonable likelihood of success.

today's Denver post had an update. accordingly last august they released 168 birds in the lower poudre canyon, birds came from Utah and we are hoping for a season in a couple of years if they take, (IF). another 200 birds are scheduled to be released this coming year.. let's hope. some have electronics on them to check for movement and nest.

today's Denver post had an update. accordingly last august they released 168 birds in the lower poudre canyon, birds came from Utah and we are hoping for a season in a couple of years if they take, (IF). another 200 birds are scheduled to be released this coming year.. let's hope. some have electronics on them to check for movement and nest.


Good timing! :thumbsup:
Looks like they found some closer to Colorado. Chadsbritt, did he ever get with you and NOCO PF for any help? Other then just a meeting?