I was wondering what percentage of day old chicks survive to maturity. What kind of success are you having? I picked up 200 day old chicks on Monday and I hope to have about 180 or so make it to fall for release. Is this a realistic expecation? Thanks.
I was wondering what percentage of day old chicks survive to maturity. What kind of success are you having? I picked up 200 day old chicks on Monday and I hope to have about 180 or so make it to fall for release. Is this a realistic expecation? Thanks.
As of Thursday night I lost six chicks. On Friday morining I found some more dead chicks and couple more in the afternoon for a total of 15 birds. When I check on them they are spread out and not piled up in one area. The chicks came from the PGC and are given free to clubs that sign up for the program. I helped out a little last year but now I'm the one taking care of things. We'll see how things go. Thanks for the advice.
OK you guy's inspired me, can't beat em join em as they say, what the hell. I bought 125 birds today and grabbed some eggs. In just a couple hrs with the ones I picked up at the gals farm I have 193 eggs already today. Just from the hens I bought, I picked up 31 within an hour, so with 125 hens I should have the trays filled tomorrow or Monday. I got these all cleaned and sanitized ready to go. I am firing up my incubator tonight and filling it up on Tuesday. 380 eggs we'll see how this goes. Thanks guy's you just prompted me to do more work.