chick survival rate

Will their adult coloring be the same as normal?
Good healthy looking chicks.:thumbsup:
I spent some time yesterday with my 5 yearl old son putting blinders on the birds. I would catch the birds, he would hold them as I put the blinders on. I took some time but we got them all done. I had one bird die a couple of weeks ago but other than that they are all doing well. Some of the roosters have some nice tail feathers coming in.
All of my pheasants are doing well. I have about a 75% survival rate and the cock birds are starting to get the white ring around the neck. I have not had any birds die for quite a while. The blinders are working out well.

I also put quail in a johnny house two weeks ago. I started out with 30 birds and left a few out several days ago. I now have 31 birds in the pen. I must have had one bird survive the winter.
All of my pheasants are doing well. I have about a 75% survival rate and the cock birds are starting to get the white ring around the neck. I have not had any birds die for quite a while. The blinders are working out well.

I also put quail in a johnny house two weeks ago. I started out with 30 birds and left a few out several days ago. I now have 31 birds in the pen. I must have had one bird survive the winter.

Thank you for the update. Sounds like your doing very well. Wow start with 30 and end up with 31. Are you raising Bobwhites? :)
I have had wild quail volunteer to join as well. They are usually easy to identify because they are frantic to get out, as compared to the regular inhabitants. Usually, if you let them out, the wild volunteer will hang around close, if you provide food and water, eventually helping to make the release birds aclimate more easily. Looks like your situation is working out well.
I'm not raising them. I bought them when they were about 8 weeks old and keep them in the johnny house for about 10 days and then let a few go. I don't work them the first few times to allow them to recall. I guess one of the birds from last year survived the winter. I'm surprised because although we didn't have as much snow this past winter we did have a good bit of ice. It is nice to hear them call in the evening.
Mine just got let out side. Doing good. I would say 75% too. I have about a hundred left from 150-160, I never counted real good to start. Most of the ones that died were my fault. I did not cater to this batch as much as before, or I would have done better. I jus had too much crap going on around here. They can fly good already. I don't even know how old they are any more.:D Next year I may have more time to be more serious about it. But I am happy with what I got. Most all will live at this point.:thumbsup:
I picked up 150 pheasant chicks on July 23 and have lost 5. I started them in an old stock tank with a screened top and as many as 3 heat lamps. Moved them to an 8x10 shed and am working on the pen. They have multiple feeders and waterers and roosts to keep them busy and separated.
Some of the chicks are getting mud balls built up on their feet. I am keeping the shed clean and as dry as possible. Should I be concerned and catch these and clean it off. I did clean a couple last night and it is packed on. Kind of a pain to get off.
Typicaly they will be fine. If your pen drys up after rains in a day or so, the birds will shake it off or scratch the dirt and get it off. Constant muddy conditions may cause problems. The wings tails etc. can get mudy too. I would not worry about that. If it does stay muddy in your pen, find a way to address that problem and the rest will take care of itself.
Sounds like people are doing pretty well with raising some birds this year.

I took my son with me to check on the pheasants and he wanted to take some pictures. These pheasants are about 15 weeks old at this point (I think). Here are some of the good pics my 5 year old were able to take.




we have raised 150 phez and 2500 quail so far. quail sold out soon as they reach 8-12 weeks. i have 800 in the brooder house and wife has 400 that she has raised off her brood quail. she is getting 85-90% hatch rate.:eek: i am buying eggs and getting 55-65%. next year going with her eggs..;)
going to keep 1000 for training.