Chick sighting thread?


Well-known member
Anyone seeing any broods of chicks yet? Nothing for me here in Eastern, IA, however I'm in very low pheasant density areas and usually don't see many at any point in the year.
I saw my first yesterday morning in MN on my way to SD. I saw about eight little ones with a hen on the side of the black top. Could have been more the grass was tall.
Saw my first brood on the 14th, which I thought was early. Cutting hay today, I leave about 1/2 of my hay to cut later but this field is an important income producer. Hate to do it but it is early enough they will renest, hopefully in the CRP.
My folks saw a hen today on the path going to their pond. Dad said she had at least 8 chicks with her. They live in Northeast NE.
Talked to two farmers today. One said seeing more birds around then previous couple years and other said things are really green and looking good. Fingers crossed for no major storms to hamper the hatch and growing crops.🤞
I am a little concerned about the early harvest but otherwise it has been nice and dry for the most part. Just they way pheasants like it.
Have the extremely high temps taken any tole on the chicks?
Haven't seen any chicks to say about the heat. Harvest started a week to 10 days early and we didn't have any rain to delay it. My farmer friend usually starts on the 24th and with rain he might go up to 4th or so. This year he finished Friday
Saw a few fliers last night, had the tenant spray the mono-block of switchgrass that we burned this spring. Super dry, but the grass is there. If I didn't water the garden, I would not have anything left there. The sweet corn is not looking good, the patch will be a goner if we don 't get rain in the next week or 2.
I flushed one off a nest this morning. Been nice and cool the last 3 or 4 days. Harvest is about over here. The early harvest has kept them from haying everything, but its coming.
How early do some hatch? I would like to think a saw a couple yesterday in SE Iowa that were half the size of hen and strong flyers. I don't remember seeing them that big this early.
Farmer friend called me last night. Said things are green which is what everyone I’ve talked to has said and he has seen some chicks. Fingers crossed it continues this way. He has had 11” of rain at his place and said the best things have looked in years.