They Cheyenne bottoms is in the heart of the central flyway. Several different species of Ducks, Snow and Canada geese, and Sandhill Cranes migrate through the area. And yes, there are pheasants too, however the area is primarily developed for waterfowl.
i have never hunted on the public propety of the bottoms, but i do hunt straight east of the bottoms once or twice and year, this year two of us killed limits 2 days in a row down there.
Currently the bottoms is frozen so ducks and geese are few and far between just like the pheasants. There are birds to be found but I don't think it would be worth walking. It is a big area!
Thanks for the replys it was most helpful. We are going to be hunting just west of the bottoms. I saw the how big area is and that was addressed above. Good luck to you all.