Chaps vs. Upland Pants

wade b

New member
I need to add some gear.
I hunt primarily game farms (fields with brush and willows) as well as poplar stands for grouse. Not much for briars or thorny stuff. I am mostly looking to keep my pants dry with the morning dew and slight scratch protection. So I don?t think oil skin is what I want.

Thoughts, reviews, etc?

I use both depending on the day. I have a pair of filson tin cloth chaps, and some wrangler brush pants. I don't like to wear either if I don't need, just jeans. But if I don't know the area I wear one or the other. Wet I wear the tin cloth. Dry, brush jeans. If I know the area and its no threats of sticker etc and burs, but just dew or wet, I wear some frog tog pants over jeans. Much more free movement with them.
I use both depending on the day. I have a pair of filson tin cloth chaps, and some wrangler brush pants. I don't like to wear either if I don't need, just jeans. But if I don't know the area I wear one or the other. Wet I wear the tin cloth. Dry, brush jeans. If I know the area and its no threats of sticker etc and burs, but just dew or wet, I wear some frog tog pants over jeans. Much more free movement with them.

Good to know, thanks. I have some quality hunting rain gear (Gander Mountian TecH2O Guide Series). Maybe I'll just wear the pants. On the farm, dew is the only concern.

In the woods, well. If you've ever hunting in the boreal forest for Spruce Grouse and Ruffed Grouse you know what I'm up against.
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Quality rain gear pants - a good idea, if they don't leak. I wear them with a pair of lounging pants - just the right layer. And I wear high gaiters in wet snow, under the rain pants, so the weeds sdon't pull down the gaiters, due to my skinny legs.

My rain pants (Cabela's) leaked last fall, so I'm on the hunt for a better pair for very wet weeds and wet snow. Chaps seem to leak after a few hours...
Get a good pair of brush pants. I have waterproof one I use if it is really wet out. The only disadvantage is they r very hot if its not really cold!!! I usually only use regular brush pants and never had to worry about getting wet.
Chaps for sure!
They keep the rain and snow off, the briers, and you can take them off if you get into the open country and stick them in your vest!:thumbsup:

Chaps for me. I've never found a pair of pants that fit as well as my jeans. Chaps can go on and off as need dictates.

LL Bean has a great pair of Gore Tex Hunting pants that are super nice. I use them in SD and run them through everything! Filson has some super nice Chaps that you just need to wax about once a year.

Both are spendy...but are worth it to stay dry comfortable.
I personally prefer chaps. I can wear them with any pants depending on weather conditions. When it gets colder out, I love wearing my fleece lined pants. If get muddy, you can take the chaps off easily to keep your rig a little cleaner. I bought a pair of Gamehide chaps last year that unzip from the top to the bottom making them a breeze to get on and off.
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either or

wore two pairs of chaps out now seem to like the brush pants, one is that they are tough and two water is not absorbed much by them due to their often high nylon content. problem with chaps put over jeans they soak up water,

i have never owned a good pair of upland pants, i bought a 100.00 pair of under armour ones last year and they where the worst yet. most upland pants ive worn ATTRACT burs and when they get wet from dew,, they get heavy. i have a pair of boyt nylon chaps that i bought on close out for 25.00. they've been great.
I am on my third pair of chaps. First pair was Boyt, worked great for one season but 2 inches of my pant cuff stuck out from the bottom (34 inch inseam). Got a pair of Cabelas, lighter fabric but the buttons to secure wore out in one season of hunting.

Most recent, now starting my third season with a pair of Filson Double Tin. They work great so far. Some fraying of the cuff but otherwise performed as advertised.

I also wear fleece or flannel lined jeans plus chaps for warmth all the way down to low teens. Unlined jeans in warm weather.

In Georgia, wear chaps all the time when I hunt birds. regardless of weather. Just wear a lighter shirt.

The most durable fabric was by far the Boyt chaps. Just didn't fit me well.

I have a pair of almost new Filson's that you can have. I think I have the grease, too. They are not zippered and I'm pushing 60 so I have to roll around on the ground to get them off when they're wet, and that's embarrassing. I bought a pair of Dri Chaps at Cabelas that are zippered. If you are younger and more flexible and want to give them a try, pm me your address and I'll throw em' in the mail. They are great chaps, just not for me.
The best chaps....period !

By far the best chaps I have ever run across are the Old Wicks brand that was found in coon hunting catalogs years ago. Super light, bone dry and I have logged hundreds of thorn choked miles in them and they are tough as nails. Buy them and you will be very pleased. Not to mention they are a bargain.

Here is a link to the retailer/manuf that still produces them.
finally settled

for the few of you out there that are educated well enough to read really great literature, mister Spaulding Hoffhacker esq. just answered the question once and for all about what you should wear, be it chaps or a classy refined pair of brush pants. he also settled a few other questions to boot. there ya have it folks. the one thing he does get constantly wrong however is the choice of dogs

By far the best chaps I have ever run across are the Old Wicks brand that was found in coon hunting catalogs years ago. Super light, bone dry and I have logged hundreds of thorn choked miles in them and they are tough as nails. Buy them and you will be very pleased. Not to mention they are a bargain.

Here is a link to the retailer/manuf that still produces them.

I used to run hounds in night hunts. We all had them or the waders. They were great.:thumbsup:
I have worn a good pair of gore-tex pants for the last 20 years or so and I have not been wet or cold yet. I think they came from LL Bean.