A lot of size variation too. Last trip to the scale mine a female came in at 49.6 . Her mom was about 38. Dad came out of a sought after litter. two of the dads littermates a male and a female ended up at what Id consider top 5 kennels. The male just sired a couple of litters of pups.
Mine has what I've heard in boykin circles called a hesitant flush. Which in her case is a gentlemanly way of saying no flush. Her retrieve iis a little weak, probably end up force fetching her
If it sounds like Im down on her I'm not.
In certain situations she's great. She lost the first pheasant I shot over her and not another one the rest of the year, and picked up quail I know we would have never found without her.
You'd be surprised how many birds are walked over. Ones that in the past Id say oh that bird must of run off or flown out to feed. The boykin would sort it out.
Additionally she has no quit and will hunt all day
Where she comes up short besides the things mentioned above is in air scenting and the ability to work a track quickly,
In the big public land crp patches I hunt she's just not as affective as the leg on a retriever sized dog