Cat Win!


New member
The is no doubt that Bill Snyder is among the best Coaches of all time.

Beating Miami on the road 28-24 is a great win. But when you think how bad the Cats offense looked the first game, its amazing. And what about the defense, from not being very good last season, to one of the better defenses, frigging amazing.

Cats are 3-0 and getting better each game.

We may not have many birds to shoot this season, but football season is going to be more fun than I thought :D
See ya 10/29/2011:)
Talk about a nail biter there at the end. 1st and goal from the 2 and they stopped them.

In the interest of keeping this somewhat on topic, sure can't wait to pretend to be chasing roosters. :)
Talk about a nail biter there at the end. 1st and goal from the 2 and they stopped them.

In the interest of keeping this somewhat on topic, sure can't wait to pretend to be chasing roosters. :)

I saw a rooster this month. :rolleyes:
Terrific game-saving goal line stand by the Cats!

Two particular offensive plays blew me away: First, Klein's jumpshot-style touchdown pass to Tannahill. Then Hubert's touchdown run through an impossibly packed line of scrimmage; even on replays it was like a Harry Houdini escape. How'd he do that?
That was an amazing game... what better way for the Cats to come into division play than with a tough win on the road. Hopefully it has given them the mentality that if they can win on the road in Miami, they can win every game this year.

No kidding! It was a great game for sure! We actually had a power flicker just before 4th down, so we all had to run outside and finish the game on the radio while DirecTV was "locating satellites".:mad: It looked like a fire drill at our house since we had about 10 people over for the game. Luckily we had the radio going outside...

Even the have-nots are tough this year. This will be an exciting season of football. The big boys better not fall asleep on Iowa State, K-State, or Baylor. I don't think anybody has a guaranteed win on their schedule this season, except for maybe when they play KU. :eek:
Dogs have good days and a few bad days. Football teams are no different.
i love getting out the ol box during this time of year. I love the reactions I get, mostly from ku, ou and nebraska fans

Anybody catch the Bill O'Reilly discussion last week about EMAW? Seems some femi-nazi graduate of K-State is trying to make it EPAW "Every Person a Wildcat" because EMAW excludes women. The two chicks on O'Reilly that night said the K-State gal was a kook and to leave it like it was. I guess the marching band director was told to take the EMAW formation out of the pre-game show and he did as well. Quite an uproar from what I am reading.
Anybody catch the Bill O'Reilly discussion last week about EMAW? Seems some femi-nazi graduate of K-State is trying to make it EPAW "Every Person a Wildcat" because EMAW excludes women. The two chicks on O'Reilly that night said the K-State gal was a kook and to leave it like it was. I guess the marching band director was told to take the EMAW formation out of the pre-game show and he did as well. Quite an uproar from what I am reading.

That's rediculoius.