Car's/truck's for Christmas gift commercial's


Active member
Just who the "H" "E" double hockey sticks can afford to buy a $20,000 plus dollar Christmas gift?

IMO, the commercials are a joke and I mute every one of them.

It kills me..The Lexus season of savings Ho, Ho, Ho...WTH ever
All I know onpoint is your not worth a crap if you don't go out and buy the Wife a big rock for Her finger or necklace:) I know cause I've seen the Jarad commercials. :eek:
Hey...."They're out there".

Can you say High Maintenance hmmmmm?

There are relationships....that have bucks....that don't feel LOVED until get get the keys to the new Lexus at Christmas.

And then there is the girl that buys it so she can think her friends think that her boyfriend bought it for her. :10sign:
Iknow two women that prefer getting a shotgun or something related to hunting over getting jewelry for christmas or birthday.So it's easy for me to buy them gifts since they are that way.