Another great trip to Alberta has come & gone, visiting friends and enjoying some fine waterfowl hunting. About 40 years of experiencing what all waterfowlers should experience at least once. When we started hunting up there, virtually all fields were swathed and allowed to dry in the field, and then combined. Now virtually all the crops are straight combined, although a fair amount of canola is still both swathed & straight combined. Headers keep stretching, now 40, 45, 50'! Hopper and yield monitors on touch screens, gone are the glass windows to visually see how full the hopper is. Combines loading rolling track grain carts that then load super bees. Then real time yields uploaded to spring fertilizing software, applying more fertilizer where field yields were light. Advancements in farming are amazing! If you've seen a canola pellet, it's a wonder how they combine it; & and of course they have genetically altered the pod shell to toughen it to help minimize shatter loss.
The combine I'm riding in (see pic) had a 45' header, straight combining canola.
Used a BEST shooting pad (see pic) to help minimize recoil due to shoulder and bicep tendon surgery June 1st - it really helped, although those BlackCloud goose loads pack a wallop! Looking forward to SD pheasant hunting in a month & wish you all a successful fall!
Had some amazing short videos of ducks coming in before shooting time on that dugout, but not good at transferring from phone........