Californias gold

quail hound

Yes this truly is a rich state. Here are my two vets with their haul of 16 quail this morning. What a great morning.:cheers:

Looks like a great hunt! For some reason I don't think of California as an upland bird hunting destination, I think we should reconsider that.You gotta love Springers! :thumbsup: :10sign:
Thanks guys. These dogs are just awesome and without them I wouldn't even be out hunting.

As far as California goes as an upland destination, I think it should be on everyone's list. What other state can you hunt from 10,000+ ft elevation (ptarmigan) to below see level (gambels quail) and everywhere in between for one bird or another. Turkeys, sage grouse, pheasant, ruffs, blue grouse, ptarmigan, chukar, ban tailed pigeon, mtn quail, valley quail, gambels quail, and doves are all to be had on more public land than you can even imagine.:cheers:
Outstanding! Looks like you're into them.

Are they mostly hold over birds?

I'll be out again this Saturday in hopes of finding them. I'm getting hungry.

But yes, California is a great upland game bird state. Especially for three species of quail. So many places to hunt on public land too. But we need to keep this a secret, OK? :D