Bye bye

I woke up in a bad mood and decided I was going to get kicked off UPH:mad: So here it goes. The only hunting you guys do is in a grocery store. And I bet your hunting dogs are a bunch of poodles. And the only hunting area you guys have been to that ride at Disney world. And your favorite hunting shows the dog show on animal planet. And the vikings suck wait thats telling the truth and won't make anyone mad:D Well I feel better hope it's enough to get me kicked off:) Going to miss chatting on here:(
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Hey, just cuz you might have seen me in the meat section tossing chickens in the air doesn't mean I was hunting! I could have been juggling chickens & a shotgun. My hunting dog is a cross between and alligator & a chainsaw & Donald was coming into the dekes until some freeking tourist flared him with a camera flash, dammit! My fav hunting shows are on the Oxygen channel, I have nothing to say about the Vikes but the Seahawks DO suck. Hope you're happy, you old coot . . . you made me cry & made my mascara run, ya big meanie . . .
I see my meanness is working:thumbsup: keep crying Koja48:). You guys better email the boss it's only going to get worse:) I bet your favorite hunting stores JCpennys:eek: What kinda calling you use to get donald duck to come in?
Actually, it wasn't so much the calling . . . it was the Mickey Mouse Ears we were wearing . . . and what appeared to be a short line at the pond at the end of the log ride . . .
Hey now you take that back, my dog is not a Puddle, but he does like to wallow in them.:D
Hey now you take that back, my dog is not a Puddle, but he does like to wallow in them.:D

Sh#* I'm never going to get kicked off here if I don't learn to spell:mad: I've told this story before. When I was in first grade we had a spelling test. The word was heart. Well I spelled fart:eek: the Nun got very mad at me and slap my head and pulled my ear even made it bleed:( Looks like she'd still be slapping and pulling my ear:D
coot your only mad because i didnt fall for the fox urine in the sunscreen trick. now grow up and act your age or i will come over there and kick the crap out of you. it would make a huge pile because you are totally full of it.
LOl LOlm Stop it Cooty and blackcloud, your killing me.:D The fox pee thing was brillant. To bad it didn't work.:confused: However, Blackcloud you should give back the Moo cow. That's a given. :D and cooty you need to get over the Bigfoot thing. Maybe.:rolleyes: You crack me up don't go away.:10sign::cheers:
Nuns at my school were tough! They'd have stapled your ears to your azz . . .
WHY the he@# aint I band yet:mad: Whats wrong with this beep beep beep beep bbeping beep beep site:mad: Looks like I'm going to have to think of something else to be kicked off here. Until then shot straight, make some new habitat, train the dog and keep posting cool stories and pictures:).
Now you have the right idea Coot, I for one will not ban anyone for what you did......Bob
Coot, my Nun story, I was in grade school during World War II. I was drawing fighter planes one day during class when it was not Art time. The nun came up behind me and slapped my hand the one that was laying flat on the desk holding the paper. She hit me between the thumb and the first finger in that webbed skin, with a steel edge ruler. Yes, she drew blood...........Bob
WHY the he@# aint I band yet:mad: Whats wrong with this beep beep beep beep bbeping beep beep site:mad: Looks like I'm going to have to think of something else to be kicked off here. Until then shot straight, make some new habitat, train the dog and keep posting cool stories and pictures:).


Your stuck on a great sight, UPH. This place would not be the same, without you. So, Your stuck with the rest of us UPH Addicts. If you go away , We will get bb, and blackclould to give up your, 20. and bring you back. lol :D:cheers:
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Your stuck on a great sight, UPH. This place would not be the same, without you. So, Your stuck with the rest of us UPH Addicts. If you go away , We will get bb, and blackclould to give up your, 20. and bring you back. lol :D:cheers:

geez guys. dont brag him up. his head will swell and the hair on top of his head will seperate even more.:p