Burning Year 1 WSG for weed control.


Super Moderator
My little patch of WSG has some foxtail and other annual grasses that still have their seeds attached. What do you think about trying to burn it this fall for weed control (burn the seeds up). It is not very thick yet so I am not concerned about loosing the cover this winter.
My little patch of WSG has some foxtail and other annual grasses that still have their seeds attached. What do you think about trying to burn it this fall for weed control (burn the seeds up). It is not very thick yet so I am not concerned about loosing the cover this winter.

Another option is to spray with Journey next spring (roundup/Plateau) early before the WSG's come out of dormancy or just spray with Plateau (4oz/acre)

You might not have enough litter to get a fire going.
Burning this fall is a serious negative for your soil. It's always good to get quick cover for mother earth. A spring burn after the weeds have sprouted can help clean up your stand. Remember, most of the time folks hurry the progress along only to wish for the early successional habitat as the diversity of the stand declines when the sod closes in.
Burning this fall is a serious negative for your soil. It's always good to get quick cover for mother earth. A spring burn after the weeds have sprouted can help clean up your stand. Remember, most of the time folks hurry the progress along only to wish for the early successional habitat as the diversity of the stand declines when the sod closes in.

So PD, if I am understanding you correctly, is enjoy the early successionals (weeds/forbes/etc) while you got them because they have wildlife value and don't wish for the WSG's too soon.??
That's the normal cycle of it. You worry about it getting started, then you are impressed that grass seemed to appear out of nowhere years 2-3, next you "notice" that there are no longer any weeds/forbs in your stand, finally you realize that your bird numbers have really gone down since grass has dominated your stand. By year 6-8 you're disturbing the stand to set it back and encourage the forbs.
I wrestled with this weed control thing a number of years ago. I asked about and got this advice from a farmer in S.D. Plant your grass mix with forbes about the second week of November when the ground temperature doesn't allow for germination. It is best to plant into soybean, corn or Milo stubble not into wheat stubble. In the spring just let it grow don't spray or mow it your wasting your money. The first two to three years what you planted is developing the root system and you'll be disappointed. Though with the weed growth, especially the kocha the birds will have insects to eat in the summer, there will be great cover for the winter and a place to hunt. Also, the birds will feed on the plants in the winter. I listened to others, read the mow/spray philosophy then decided to save my money and do as he said. When I bought the property I saw very few birds. I did as he said and the next year we had way more fun than what we should of had. The place looks clean now there are birds, a bunch of birds but I think maybe there was more those first few years I had those darn weeds that I didn't mow or spray. I still thank that farmer from S.D. that gave me that advice.
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