Bull Snake


Well-known member
At our NSTRA field trial by Savage, Montana this weekend we had this bad boy visit us. Actually I had my dog staked behind the vehicle and I was over watching the trial when some other people looked over and saw the snake near my dog. I didn't actually see it. But I'm glad one of the guys snapped a photo with his cell phone. Pretty good size for a bull snake.

That rascal ought to account for a lot of rodents (and Rattlers to if it catches them).
That rascal ought to account for a lot of rodents (and Rattlers to if it catches them).

There was an older gentleman at the trial and after the encounter with this snake was talking about bull snakes and the good they do in eating mice and other rodents. He also went on to say that a bull snake can kill a rattler and they they are immune to the rattler's venom. He claimed they wrap themselves around the rattler and then pull them apart.

Now I didn't completely buy into all he was saying so when I got home I did a little digging on the internet and could find nothing to back up his claim that bull's can or will kill a rattler. I did find an article that said a King snake if immune to the rattler's venom and will kill a rattler.

Anyone have any knowledge in this area???
Man that's a big one. I only know like you about king snakes, not sure about bulls.
Well Zeb, I saw a Bull Snake (Pine Gopher Snake) darn near the size of the one in the Op's photo with a half-swallowed Rattler. Whether or not it was immune to venom, I can't say & I can only assume that it had killed the Rattler. In any event, too many folks kill these because "It's a snake!" . . . which is unfortunate.
Well Zeb, I saw a Bull Snake (Pine Gopher Snake) darn near the size of the one in the Op's photo with a half-swallowed Rattler. Whether or not it was immune to venom, I can't say & I can only assume that it had killed the Rattler. In any event, too many folks kill these because "It's a snake!" . . . which is unfortunate.


Well put, I never bought into that line of thought. No need to kill them just because it's a snake. Rattle snakes and dogs mixing it up being an exception.

Zeb that's a big bull snake. Ever notice bull snakes have a rather nasty disposition. LOL It's a good thing they are not venomous.
They can be mean!!!!! Plus they are very hard to pull off your(meat of your thumb) when panicked!!!!!! They also rattle their tail like a Rattler, only no rattle!!!!Had one chase me once with his head a foot off the ground. That of course was after I thoroughly pissed him or her completely off!!!!!! Finally stood my ground!!! That didn't work either!!!!:eek::eek:
They can be mean!!!!! Plus they are very hard to pull off your(meat of your thumb) when panicked!!!!!! They also rattle their tail like a Rattler, only no rattle!!!!Had one chase me once with his head a foot off the ground. That of course was after I thoroughly pissed him or her completely off!!!!!! Finally stood my ground!!! That didn't work either!!!!:eek::eek:

Yes , they can and often are mean as 7734, I've had them stand there ground on me more then not. Nasty snakes for shure. Rattlers will leave the area as soon as possible if they are not traped, bulls think they can take you out, because they look like a rattler, and are acting like one. Shake they tall and all. :beer:
What do Y'all suppose that big ole snake does when it comes across a quail or Prairie chicken nest of eggs. :confused:
Why, he'd do what Bull Snakes do. Same thing it would do to a Hanta Virus-bearing rodent. I'll trade the eggs to eliminate the more deadly threat.
Why, he'd do what Bull Snakes do. Same thing it would do to a Hanta Virus-bearing rodent. I'll trade the eggs to eliminate the more deadly threat.

LOL Hanta- virus bearing rodent. Great point for not killing them, I think they are not going to die bye eating them up. :thumbsup:
That's a cool pick...except I would have locked myself and my dog in the truck so I could've ran it over...sorry guys...hate snakes!
Back in the 60's when I was about 5 years, my dad was doing chores for my uncle. My sister and I ran into a bullsnake and my dad ended up killing it. (He hated all snakes) It measured 6 feet 2 inches. My uncle was so mad because of all the rodents this thing would kill. In fact my dad killed it near the corn crib.