British Lab Puppies or started dog in Minnesota


I have a friend looking for a British puppy or started dog this spring/summer. Any good hunting kennels you can recommend for him to look?

The dog would be for upland and waterfowl, leaning a little more towards upland.

I have a friend looking for a British puppy or started dog this spring/summer. Any good hunting kennels you can recommend for him to look?

The dog would be for upland and waterfowl, leaning a little more towards upland.

I know a lady in Livingston Montana.
I looked at a started Lab a couple weeks ago here in Wisconsin. I was buying a Christmas gift for my daughters family since our one lab passed. I wanted the started lab but they want a puppy so guess who won out. Dog worked very well and would have saved me a lot of headaches training another dog. As far as I know he's still available. (8 months old) Just outside Kiel Wisconsin. Great blood lines.
I don't know them personally but have hunted over 3 of their dogs a good friend has had over the years and they are great field/marsh and people dogs. If I ever cross over lol they'd be my first call
I've owned one of their dogs and had that dog and two other dogs trained by David over the years.

I don't know that I've met a lab I didn't like, from anywhere. Having said that, Sugar, our lab from Sauk River Retrievers, was an excellent family dog. She was everything labs are known for in that regard.

As for hunting, I did minimal waterfowl hunting with her, but she was a great retriever in the water. Most of my hunting with her was upland (ruffed grouse/woodcock and pheasant). She was rock solid on point. She had a very good nose, both air scenting and ground scenting. From about her 3rd season of hunting onward, once she'd get on ground scent, she was like a methodical heat seeking missile. Also, excellent stamina. 65 pounds of muscle in her prime. Everyone who hunted with her praised her abilities. She lived to over 14 years old, moving on January of this year.