The problem is that you haven't brought any facts or data into your side of the debate.
You have stated that it was an inconvenience for trappers to lug cubbies a mile out, but never once acknowdged that a leghold is just as effective for coon or bobcat. I asked you to go through WI's fur harvest and license sales before and after their BG regs so you could see for yourself it hasn't impacted their fur take. That was ignored.
Your other point is MN will turn into CO...I've already pointed out the WI has not had any new restrictions on BGs
No data or facts from you
Just "it's not fair" to the trappers..well right now it's not "fair" to the dogs.
Got it. So what your saying is I need to state "facts" such as "wisconsin trappers have no problem with the 220 regs"
Anyway, I can see the direction a couple of you are attempting to take this thread--that is---make it about me.