There are far, far too many variables that have yet to occur to even entertain what next year will be for sure. However, there are plenty variables from the past year that largely indicate that we won't make a significant recovery next year. True, the birds will probably come through the winter in reasonable condition to go into the nesting season. However that cannot be said about the habitat in most places. The wheat is rated as poor at an alarming percentage. The CRP is largely too short to provide reasonable nesting cover. Pastures are in horible condition and will provide little assistance to the effort. Soil moisture is almost non-existant and the grass habitat went into the dormant season having been burdened by significant top removal. This will equate to the plant having to take from it's root mass in order to begin growth once moisture and temperatures bring it out of dormancy. The dry conditions from October to now will surely reduce the germination of what few forb seeds were released in the past 2 years. The dry conditions and limited plant growth from the last 2 years also equate to a limited invertebrate population coming out of winter. Sure, this can be reversed in a short period of time, but significant change in the weather pattern will be necessary to start that. The forecast is not cherry either. Continued high comodity prices will push landowner to consider bringing more and more CRP out of the program and back into production. Though that has a seasonal potential that is either production neutral or production positive, the CRP will still rank of higher importance when viewed within a full calendar year. Any way you shake it, with the stats we have right now, hope for significant improvement is weak.