Thirty's is decent, I really like it when they have "Mule Madness". Louies Bar in Ness City is good. Hard to find a good place to eat in western Kansas, especially living with my wife. Nothing compares. All the mexican places taste the same in Kansas, none of them true mexican food. Taco Bell really blows them all away in Kansas, not to mention the colon cleans that comes with it. Quite honestly, the best bang for your buck is McDonalds or Caseys pizza. However in Iowa, there is a mexican place in Algona that is the bomb. Will be eating there again the 18th-23rd.
I'm not impugning your or your wife's taste or experience, but I've had excellent "authentic" Mexican food (if there really is such a thing, but that's a different argument) in Liberal, Dodge City, Garden City, Ulysses and I bet I could find an authentic taqueria in many of the other majority Hispanic southwestern KS towns. To say nothing of Wichita or KCK.
I've not eaten at the place in Algona, Iowa, but my alarms bells go off anytime someone tells me that an over 97% white town in one of the least Hispanic states in America (and in a region with terrible food, generally) is serving better Mexican food than some of those southwest KS taquerias. I'm always willing to be surprised though.