Balls of steel - that is what it's


New member
going to take to hunt pheasants this weekend. I'm thinking the pheasants will be dealing more with weather than with hunters for the next couple of days. Looks like things might improve by Christmas so there is hope for a few more hunting days before the close on Jan 4. Sure wish the GF&P's would have extended the season until the middle or late January since there are more birds that will probably die from winter conditions than from lead or steel this year.

Ryan - be safe while chasing those birds in the wind today.

BB - where art thou?

Sounds good LM. The wind is howling out here and it's -4 by the truck's watch. The Springer's have a family/friends hunt here today so everyone is getting here shortly. So, we have a good size group and the birds like you say probably want nothing to do with us.

We had good luck just jumping plum thickets yesterday and shelterbelts. They poured out by the 100's.

I went out for a few hours this morning. Dogs had fun, I do not know that I did. Maybe Monday will bring some luck.
Hey Landman...I have arrived--finally! Just returned on 12/22...long drive home. Hunting was excellent on Thur/Fri...hunted a bit on Sat, but only a bit...wind chill was about minus 30. I think I am done for the season, unfortunately. Don't know the exact count, but I know I was North of 100 birds this dogs had fun, I assume Jade did, too. Happy Holidays to all, and good luck hunting for those lucky enough to get out again!
benelli-banger so glad your here. My wife thinks I'm and idiot when I talk about missing people I have never seen. Please update us if you have experienced any more "Pandalerium" out hunting pheasants.
Merry Christmas! Niceshot, nice to hear from you. My last two outings were very different--the trip from 12/9 was difficult, as the group was smaller than normal, and some of the guys hadn't hunted pheasants much, nor had their dogs. We struggled, but it was still fun--good guys, good food, good socializing with the locals. We averaged 2 birds per hunter per day, which isn't too bad, but we never really got into them, which is kind of frustrating when you know that they are there, somewhere, but you're not finding them.

The last trip was much different...8 hunters, who I hunt with pretty consistently, all with good dogs, good shots, good shape, etc. We were asked to join another group so we could effectively hunt some large sloughs, which we did. When it was all said and done we had 19 licenses, though only about 14 of us were actually hunting...there were 5 old timers who were there, holding guns, but were not really hunting...those snow drifts were pretty tough to get through. We got our 57 birds, and it was a bit of work. I think we were with them for 5 hours, with an hour lunch break, and probably another hour of truck time moving from spot to spot. There were some sloughs that we hunted that were full of a few hundred birds or to see, but in reality, not my first choice as to how I hunt. Day two, however, is how I like to hunt...8 guys, 1/2 section of crop/crp, birds galore! We have hunted this farm dozens and dozens of times, so we have it down pretty isn't a casual, follow-your-dog-around and see what happens kind of a hunt, as we all have a "position", of sorts, kind of like playing "zones", I guess. Bottom line, it culminates with all of us "pinching" a corner of the crp where the birds invariably end up (kind of a small spur of land that jogs off of the main field, adjacent to their grain bins and silos)...there must have been 300 birds that were hanging around the grain bins alone...when the hunter came through those structures, the birds flew about 75 yards and lit in that little spur of crp, about 100 yards in front of me. I was on a gravel road, blocking, and I could see that the snow had drifted in about 30 yards, so I knew that the birds wouldn't run right up to the road like normal, so I entered the field to where the drift ended, and the other blocker followed suit, about 150 yards to the South of me. Then we waited and was quite a sight! I have seen this "show" in this exact spot many, many times, but I never get sick of it! It was a great hunt, but the dogs were grabbing hens due to the snow, which isn't good, as a good % of those don't make it. We got our 24 and waited to see what the weather was going to do the next day...a little hunting was done on 12/21, but it had to have been minus 30 wind chill, or colder...we shot 11 that day, it was really, really cold and I threw in the towel...I am pretty able to withstand the cold, but that was really unbearable. Probably done for the season, but I haven't ruled out one last run...could happen!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Nice to see "The gang". BB, LM, Webguy, et al.

I am heading out tomorrow with my son and his God dad and his brother and nephew.

We are heading to a place in Presho to do some filming, hunting and socializing.

I'm told the bird numbers are incredible there and may be more than I have seen in my lifetime. We will see.

With any luck I should have a great video for you guys when all said and done.

Good news is the weather is warming up. BB I know what you are talking about cold. The wife and I were up in Northwest Angle last lweek and morning we left it was -18 on the car therm. The last day of fishing we had to chuck it in due to heater going out due to cold (defective regulator I think). The wife managed to land and 29" EYE.

Today is a :10sign: Happy Birthday Jesus!
Last Hunts of the year

Was North of Vivian on Monday - lots of birds concentrated in thickets and heavy cover. Wild as hell!

6 of us averaged two birds apiece in a couple of hours, could probably have killed six more but had some landowner politicking to do in Pierre.

Glad to see all the familiar faces here!

Maybe one more hunt saturday and sunday North east of pierre.

Funny to see BB listed as a rookie :)
UGUIDE, How did the hunt go? bigjohnsd, good to see you over here at the forum. Sounds like you had a good hunt.

Ended up hunting the weekend after Christmas. The thickets, shelterbelts and the heavy cover is what we focused on over in the Gregory area last Friday. The birds held a little tighter since it was a bit colder and the following 2 days the sun was out and the weather was a bit nicer. The birds were a bit more jumpy so it was pretty tough to get around them without scaring them up. By the time a guy got the truck around the field, we watched the flock of roosters take off. It was pretty consistent.

We ended up the last day walking a few fields towards each other in a diamond shape with 2 guys having dogs. We got 5 birds with this technique and one of the guys in the group got a triple... hence why I love more than 2 shells in the gun.

We ended up getting the limit all 3 days as we were in a few spots with some very high bird numbers but as always, it's tough hunting them late season because they are so jumpy. The late season hunting is fun.
Webguy, it was an amazing experience to say the least. The amount of habitat in the presho area is clearly why they have so many birds.

We ended up with limits every day but hunted most of the day which is just how I like it. The weather was the real hero. Amazingly mild to say the least.

The birds were "flighty" but they would not leave the food plots but just fly a little further down them.

I sure could have used the "swing through" method from the other post on some of those high overhead flyers. I missed alot. On the otherhand in one food plot we took 22 birds and I walked out with 4 birds in my vest. We used operation pheasant storm tactic and my son flanked on one side and I on the other. When we got to end we compared notes. I have only pulled up with empty gun 2 times and he had pulled up empty 4 times. You could not load the gun fast enough.

Here's some pics from the hunt.

Ha ha. That's great. Glad you had a good time. I recongnize a couple of those guys in the photos I have hunted with before (obviously your son) and the other guy with the dog that is lightning fast.