

Well-known member
Has this ever happened to you?:mad:


Ahhh the guilty Lab look! Let me see thanksgiving this year one of mine decided to pull the leftover turkey pan off of the counter in the kitchen. Several years ago my freezer went out so we put much of the food on the woodpile by the back door. ( it was like 20 degrees out). I let my Labs out to go to the bathroom forgetting the food was out there. Hour or so later I went to get them, wondering why they hadn't whined to get in. Needless to say most of the food was gone. Pheasant, some deer burger, pork chops and they ate all my ice cream!
Old Jasper (aka "Meathead," a 100# Black Lab) burrowed his way into a prime Elk hind-quarter back home in 1979. The aftermath of his feast lasted several days . . . plus I can recall several Christmas Tree disasters . . . 2 by Labs, 1 via Blue-Wing Macaw. With dogs (and pets in general) come adventures & the adventures all mature into memories.
"But Dad, we were just protecting the family by keeping this SOB out of the house. Who knows what this joker was up to. I swear he was WIRED!!!!"
The dogs just thought the decor was in poor taste but probably tasted good. :D
:coolpics: Did you kill that and how big? Looks like they really feel bad about it:)

I can't take credit for him. Picked him off the curb, somebody had set it out with the garbage. Rough, ears coming apart. Great Christmas decoration. Was going to sneak him into the brother in laws river cabin. He looked good, "rustic".:D

I wasn't to upset about the loss , the mess pissed me off.:mad:
does this count?

my wife planted tulips around our deck. when they bloomed one of our dogs pulled them all out bulb and all:thumbsup:! :cheers:
I can't take credit for him. Picked him off the curb, somebody had set it out with the garbage. Rough, ears coming apart. Great Christmas decoration. Was going to sneak him into the brother in laws river cabin. He looked good, "rustic".:D

I wasn't to upset about the loss , the mess pissed me off.:mad:

If you were going to sneak in an ugly mount as a joke... Well, it's uglier now.:D

We have been lucky with our adult dogs. But it seems like our dogs have all had their moments as puppies. We laugh about it now, but it was not funny at the time...
Don't even get me started on what dogs have wrecked over the years. Including a a cord on a 220 volt AC unit that cost near $100 bucks this summer. How they don't get electrocute is beyond me.
Boy they do look guilty, but I can only imagine being a fly on the wall and watching that happen. Probably pretty hillarious!

We left town Sat.morning and got the news Sun. via facebook. Neighbors..loveem!

Wish I could have seen it. I imagine he knocked it down and she shredded it.Probably barked at her the whole time.
Don't even get me started on what dogs have wrecked over the years. Including a a cord on a 220 volt AC unit that cost near $100 bucks this summer. How they don't get electrocute is beyond me.

No joke, same exact experience this summer with Junie! She didn't break the copper pipes, but chewed off all the insulation and ate the wiring. Also pulled the cable off the house and chewed it into several pieces. Crazy puppies!:eek:

I replaced the cable myself pretty easily, but had to get some help on the AC.

I wrapped the power and condenser lines between the AC and the house in new insulation, then covered the whole works with sheet metal and wire mesh. The repair will surely outlast the condenser unit. :cheers:
My old lab Meatball stole a Christmas ham that was cooling on top of the stove....ate the whole ham bone and all and we never heard a sound. Ol Meatball drank about 5 gallons of water the next day.