bad dog


New member
whats the worst thing your dog has ever done that you can look back at now and laugh.. my house dog clyde really ticked me off. just got my bear skin rug from the taxidermist and had it spread out in front of the fireplace admiring it. in walks clyde, he didnt know it was there and it scared him. he yips and runs out of the room. he SLOWLY comes back in and stares at it. we are all laughing at him. he looks at us then looks at the bear walks up to it sniffs,growls, and then PISSED on its head.:eek::eek: i told him if he ever does that again he's next.
My dog to this day, when She see's me get a gun out of the safe and she doesn't get to go, well, when I get back all of the T.P. is off the roll!!!!!!!:cheers:
cable line

I had my dog over at my friend's house and as we were looking through his hunting gear in his basement, let the dog roam around. After leaving, my friend went to watch TV and realized his cable wasn't working- called the cable company to find out what was going on knowing the bill was up to date and thinking there was a malfunction. Cable company had no idea what was wrong so he went to inspect- realized the main cable line was shredded courtesy of our lab Rudy:D.
i had a female beagle years ago that figured out how to open the fridge. i came home and found virtually all of my groceries eaten. a whole pound of bacon, all my leftovers were ripped open and gone, all my lunchmeat. everything but one egg. next day she got it open again and ate the last egg!
time for another clyde story. one of my wifes girlfriends moved away and came back for a visit. lots of ladies talking in the living room. i was visiting also. in walks clyde. wifes friend says clyde get a toy. thats his normal que to get his tug of war rope out of the toy box, but today was no normal day. instead he pulls out the rockford socks stuffed monkey:eek: he then jumps on coach and places monkey on friends lap. she is a very cute blonde. oh no the horror , for you see this is no ordainary monkey this is clydes love monkey. he carefully nussels toy into position, head facing friend, mounts it and then humps the he!! out of toy:eek::eek: friend screams ladies start laughing wildly, clyde gets pushed off couch. he walks by me and the guys and gives us a sly well guys thats how its done look and i know you all wish you could of been in her lap also look:p:p
I don't think I can top the Clyde story?:thumbsup:
come on guys any one else have a bad dog story. i'm starting to feel like clyde needs some therapy because everyone elses dogs are angels:eek:
Gone Dog had Car Sickness

My old dog, now gone, used to be sick sometimes when we arrived at a hunting destination. Motion sickness, maybe. We checked into a nice little motel one Friday night. The room had just been remodeled. When I awoke in the morning it smelled like -- you guessed it. Dog had barfed and had diarrhrea, but the latter he did after jumping in the bath tub -- for a much easier cleanup. I slept through it all and had quite a job in the morning.
Well my damn 1 year old setter pup just got into my Antibiotic pill container I had on my desk this morning.

I was only out of the office for 5 minutes or so in another part of the house, opened up my office door and saw the chewed up pill bottle in front of her crate and was scared shxxless that she ate them all (i doubt it would have done anything)

Luckily I found most of them (i think) If she had any it might have been 1 and a half of them.

Now I got to rinse them off from all the gunk and stuff that got on them from her kennell and a little setter goober before I take them. Gross I know but I wasnt going to waste another co pay and 2 hours waiting in the drs office plus another $50 to get another prescription.

Luckily I have only a few more to take.

I did pour some hydrogen Peroxide down her throat so she would throw up everything as a precaution.

Put her out in the back yard and within 15 minutes or so it worked. Dumb dog then proceeded to eat her puke later :rolleyes:

Im sure I'll laugh about it tomorrow but man, that dog picks the wierdest stuff to get into.

Lost a Dishnetwork remote after leaving the tv room for 5 minutes.

My friend lost her blackberry after us going upstairs for 10 minutes to get something from the kitchen...She went over and grabbed it off the couch even though she had a chew toy. That phone was absolutely friend keeps it with her as a souvenier (sp?) I laugh now but man...All this stuff has happened in the past couple of months with the pill incident happening today.

Thank God she had insurance on it...I only had to give her the $50 deductible.

Cant wait till she grows out of this. Her mother was a lot less destructive. A house plant and toilet paper and a couple holes in the yard were about the worst of her discressions.
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well i dont have a dog i use something even better...i use beniliboy. he flushes them up he retrives them and i dont have to clean up after him...:)
Well today the dogs smelled a mouse nest in the dash of my little tractor. In the process of trying to get it they ripped up the floor mat, ate the light switch and chewed off the block heater cord. The tractor is only two years old and was the newest thing with wheels I owned.
I bought a new auger tractor had it 2 months. One of my bulls got out and just as I came out of the house he decided to scrach his big butt on the front of it. Broke the lights and caved the front of the hood in:mad: One of those days:confused:
To bad they just don't point!!!!!!!! LOL They only chew and destroy our good stuff that is usually the newest. Did you put them in time out?:cheers:
These stories are hilarious! No offense please. I am sure at the time there are a lot of pissed of people involved. :eek:

With the new daily events it looks like this thread could go on forever......:D

Well I suppose my little nephew sums it up best when he mimics what his grandma says "Damn Dog!" :cheers:

Waiting patiently for the next story.....hmmmmmmm

Oh here's one. We used to ride in back of truck with topper when hunting Iowa. Me and Dad and 3 shorthairs which were owned by truck owner. We could never find a spot good enough to hide the sandwichs and snicker bars. Whenever we left dogs in truck they would find them and we would have nothing for lunch....damn dogs.

And then another time we stopped in farm yard to ask permission to hunt. The trio spotted a kitten in middle of driveway that rest of us hadn't. Somebody form the back had to go ask permission so as soon as they cracked the door the 3 dogs rocketed out and proceeded to rip that kitten limb from limb. I think we decided to load up dogs and get the hell out of there.....damn dogs!
horray there are other bad dogs out there.:cheers: i can cancel the therapy session for clyde. WOW. as i was typing this clyde walked across some bubble wrap that i had out. as loud as it popped i think clyde needs to go on a diet. scared the hell out of both of us:eek::eek: