age is making the mountains less fun so the blue's are safe. prairie birds are quite a ways from where I live but the routine is to start running the dogs some on cooler days in aug. I dove hunt a great deal, the dogs spend some of that time behaving, they will sit like they are supposed to, the rest of the time they are allowed to run around being idiots. that gets their lungs pumping and feet toughened up, used to the heat, they also get to do lot's of retrieving, middle of sept. I will likely teal hunt a couple of days and that can be combined usually with some dove shooting. first of oct. will find me running the dogs on snipe. they don't much like to be pointed by the dogs, but then, sometimes. they are a hoot to shoot at and taste the same as dove. then it is a number of trips to the duck pond, and then ya know, it's time to go chase pheasants and my dogs have by now gotten most of their fat worn off that they acquired sleeping on the couch all summer and are ready to go. I should be so lucky