anybody have barking shoes?


New member
hey now.

just got into bird hunting. went once last season and had the time of my life. figured since i didnt have a dog there was no point. well 6 months later and im still feeling the itch.

i live on long island, ny. lots of good hunting down here believe it or not.
Welcome to UPH, Hope to see you here often.....Bob
it means that because i dont have a dog i usually make a loud grunt noise when im walking heavy in the brush and a few times it actually scarred some birds up. too bad it only works maybe 20% (ok more like 15%) of the time. barking shoes would mean i wouldnt have to make noise because my shoes would make noise.
welcome the next step you will have that dog so you do not have to walk in the thick stuff and can have someone to tell hunting stories to.
Welcome to the site. I can tell you from personal experience, if you can manage it, that dog is worth every penny then some. Enjoy. :thumbsup:
Well, you sure got the name to fit in here!!!!! Welcome!!!!:cheers:
i wish i could have a dog. id get a jack russel terrier or a black lab and name him "boner"

its just my landlord wont let me have one. plus im allergic. i love dogs.
Welcome:) Good hunting in Long Island NY:confused: What are you hunting (lol)? --1pheas4