Hunting report from Faulkton Oct 27- 30
2 people, one dog. Hunted hard for 3 1/2 of 4 days. 10-20 mile radius from Faulkton. All public land. High winds for 3 of 4 days. Last year during same period we got our limit all but one day. This year we did not get a single bird. Only two roosters within range. One miss, one gun didn’t fire (time to get rid of my SBE). About 20 hen flushes (singles or groups of up to 4). Extremely dry conditions. Got rain on 3rd day which really helped the dog locate birds. Lots of places hunted last year had no cover this year due to mowing. Most of ditches are mowed. Hard to give any advice. Tried everything we could think of. Birds are just scarce. Obviously frustrating but still enjoyed the trip.
We are hunting NE of Faulktin. All premium private ground. Birds are down 70% is our best estimate. Last year fields that produced 50-100 birds now produce 5-10 birds.
Scary part is all 2 year old birds or birds are just getting color. Tells me first two hatches were busts and a few 3rd nests made it. We are hunting all day. Always shot limits everyday every year for last 13 years. We are averaging 1.0 birds per guy after 2 days.
If you are coming out expect very challenging hunting. Birds are just not here and no matter how ideal nesting season is next year birds can’t come back for at least 2 years. Just not enough hens around.