A little early to tell for sure, especially with conditions a little more difficult than usual. I'll know more once more corn is picked & we get some snow. But I'm thinking the public land and walk-ins in the Salem/Howard/Oldham/Ramona vacinities have similar bird numbers to last year. Maybe somewhat less, but similar. Seeing about a normal percentage of 1st year birds so far, most of which have good plumage. Not very many real young ones.
That said, I hunted a couple public spots this weekend that I thought should've had pretty good potential. Right time, right conditions, etc. Not much going on. Ended up finding a ditch that I thought looked promising. Hadn't walked 100 yards when Buzz busted 3 roosters simultaneously right in front of me, which for us is really rare. Bang, bang....(Should I or shouldn't I? The first 2 looked like good hits, but he's getting out there a bit & I've got 2 birds down.)....bang. Maybe not the most responsible shot I've ever taken, but I couldn't help myself. Buzz retrieved all 3 perfectly from the standing corn. 2 dead. 1 mostly dead. My first (and possibly only) true triple - 3 birds in the air at the same time. He & I were both pretty proud of our teamwork.