Antelope and elk?


New member
I know quite a few of you guys chase deer around in the fall/winter, but do any of you apply for elk or antelope?
This will be my third year putting in for elk on Fort Riley, but I am not sure where to even hunt antelope so I have yet to apply. I hear they are on the western border, but I have never seen any.

I think I remember seeing some goats west of Hays,several years ago.We didn't even know what the where,until they started running away.That was pretty neat to see.
we have them damned speed goats around here and the geneal concensus with the farmers is just like deer if you shoot 1 you better shoot more
I've been known to put an antelope in a pot of chili on a cool winters night. I agree with the farmers. I can drive 25 minutes to Amarillo through the canyons and see hundreds of antelopes. They are everywhere.
I have had an elk tag the last two years since they are on me some. Unfortunately, I have not caught up with any during the season, which is a long one at that. There was some nice bulls, 6 x 6, taken about ten miles from me.

Maybe next year.
The elk population on the fort must be doing well. I hear a lot about them doing damage on neighboring farms. I guess if you're a landowner hunting your own land the price of the tag isn't too bad. A lot cheaper than hitting one with your car...:rolleyes:
Have a friend here in SEK that got a goat with his bow in NW Kansas a few years ago, private ranch I'm pretty sure that his dad was friends with.

I've shot 3 goats in Wyoming. To my unrefined taste buds, I'll take an antelope steak/roast any day of the week over a whitetail (not that a whitetail is bad). To me, it was a whiter, milder meat. We butchered them the same as we do a deer or an elk. No bones are cut, they're cut up into quarters/primals as soon as we get to them, cooled quickly, and butchered with absolutely no fat or silver skin in the package.
My deer/pheasant buddy out west has been applying since he was 10, hes 22 or 23 now and had 12 preference points. He finally drew a permit this year.

Im going to go tag along with him during the rifle season. I saw quite a few herds of them this year out west. He says he has a herd located frequenting a water hole he has permission on. If the drought continues and the water hole doesnt go dry...who knows, he might have one the first day of season.