Another great trip!

Derek Sears

New member
Guys, this year has been very special for me. My 2.5yo BLM is really coming into his own as a duck dog and has really blossomed into an excellent flusher. This past trip was the annual '3 amigos trip', where my father and I take my cousin Riley out for some tough, late season hunting. Riley's father was my mentor on all things 'fowl' and is the reason I am the hunter I am today. He passed away a couple of years ago, and I have made it a point to make sure that his son is given the same opportunities to enjoy the outdoors that he gave to me. Riley shot his first pheasant this year, and over my dog nonetheless. Needless to say, the boy is hooked! Here are a few shots I got on the trip. I didn't get the camera out as much as I would have liked due to the dry and windy conditions, but managed a few shots here and there. The 3 of us killed 17 birds in just 1.5 days of hunting. Not bad for late December in KS!!!




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Very cool indeed Mr. Sears. Thanks for sharing the pics and story. Oh, and thanks a bunch for getting that boy out. I'm sure the ole' man was smiling down on you guys the entire time.
Derek, Great pics and even better story. Riley is lucky to have someone like you in his life after losing his father. Glad you had a great hunt. Thanks for sharing.
What a great story: I know Riley's Dad was looking down on you guys for a great trip and smiling on his son's 1st bird. What a great thing you did!
Great Story and pictures!! Good on you for getting him out!
Thanks for the kind words guys:cheers: