3 yr old Drahthaar - Spayed Female


New member
I have a 3 year old spayed female that I need to find a new home for by early February or I will be forced to euthanize her. We got her as a puppy from Vom Harderhaus kennel. I have not tested her as we got her to be a family dog and hunting companion. She has been raised in our home and does great hunting ducks, geese, and pheasants. She retrieves, points, quarters typically at 20 - 30 yds, is house and kennel trained, and has been an awesome family dog. She is about 60 lbs and has a short tight coat with half a beared.

She does display dominance behavior towards smaller dogs which has resulted in a couple of incidents and is the reason I must find a new home for her or have her euthanized. I live in a suburban neighborhood with many small dogs.

I would like to find her a hunting home where she will be kept in the house and has a large fenced yard to run.

We are located in Overland Park, KS.

If you would like more information please contact me.

Wouldn't a shock coller fix that ??

an e-collar isn't always the solution (I'll never understand why the e-collar is always the first suggestion in behavior modification, maybe because it is an easy answer)

if I read between the line of the posting; I'm guessing there is an issue with the drathaar and the neighbor dogs and that the "order" to put the dog down came from animal control, that is why they have until February to place the dog
Maybe so what ever its sad to me. Theres got to be a better solution than the later. If I didn't live so far I go check it out .
if I read between the line of the posting; I'm guessing there is an issue with the drathaar and the neighbor dogs and that the "order" to put the dog down came from animal control, that is why they have until February to place the dog

That sounds like it might very well be the situation. If so, I wish thartman would just come clean on this site and accurate explain the situation. Putting the dog down seems pretty harsh unless it's been justified and ordered by a higher authority. Anyone thinking about adopting this dog deserves to know the true and correct history. The breed does have a history of aggressiveness but I thought most of that had been bred out. Guess there is always a chance some regressive gene appears. Or it's a result of poor breeding. But to be fair to thartman and the dog I need to quite speculating. Hopefully the truth will come out.
Please understand that I am hearbroken as is my family over this situation. This DD is my dream hunting dog and she has been a great family dog as well. If it were possible I would move in order to keep the dog.

The situation is very complicated and I do not want to get into the details but will say it is being driven by neighbors with different beliefs and insurance. I cannot accept the level of risk presented and protect my family at the same time.
The GWP Rescue, Inc. is located in Olathe, KS. Right out your back door. Have you thought about this as an option? Here's their web site: http://www.gwprescue.com/
Yes and thankyou for the link.

I have been contacted by someone (a hunter with land) who will take her if no better situations come forward. He has a dog he is happy with but is willing to take her. I am hopeful for a happy ending. Thanks.
Maybe people in your neighborhood need to keep their little yappers under control and out of your yard. I've never understood why people let their dogs run loose, even in the country. Of course this may not be the case. Either way it's a damn shame because she sounds like a hell of a nice dog. If I had an extra dog run I would snatch her up in a New York minute!!!
She was placed in a great hunting home with 20 acres and someone that very much appreciates a good dog. We were very fortunate to find such a good home for her and we have a possiblity of hunting with her in the future.