I hunted today from 915 till sunset. Of course there is drive time between spots, and a 15 minute break to slice summer sausage and hard cheese on the tail gate. The first two spots were new to me although I had scouted them before season. The first one had average cover, the second one very good cover, nice and thick bluestem with a waterway running through and cattails at the end. The third spot I got two roosters two weeks ago. All had cut corn

adjacent fields. Never seen a single bird, never caught a scent. 4th spot dogs flushed two hens, then I look up and seen another group of hunters coming my way, I turned around back to vehicle. Minutes later I catch a funny form in my eye and two people in full camo are creeping down the field 20 yards from me! I wave as soon as I see them and go to talk. They're heading back for archery deer. Really friendly dudes, but you'd think they would wear orange hats while walking into public land with multiple groups of bird hunters. Last stop of the day I put on chest waders in attempt to reach unmolested public land. We made it and never saw a bird. I love pheasant hunting and I love bird dogs, but I'm gonna be blunt here, today really knocked my dick in the dirt. I leave you now to drown my sorrow with grainbelts and eat some Jack's frozen pizza

. All day only saw 2 hens.