We went out just west of Hutch today, group hunt. Private. First spot walking a thick cattail waterway suddenly I see a rooster right in front of me flying left to right, never even heard him! Must have been put up by my buddy or the dog across the way. It was pass shooting at 40 yards and I didn't connect. We flushed a hen that went right over me in the woods edge, then a rooster flushed that cackled for a minute straight, I never even saw him. Kind of a dud at this spot. Next spot I posted with a buddy and the other guys got 2. Everyone left, so me and one buddy went public spot hopping. Tried a new spot, slogged through a bunch of cattails to get to a willow thicket out on an "island" in the cattails. Each taking a side on the oval shaped briar patch, near the end a rooster popped out

. I yelled ROOSTER! as I mounted and took a crack, he rolled sharply on the report but righted and was still flying hell bent for election. I was bummed until I heard the boom of my buddy's Winchester and seen him tumble down good. I hurried around the end of the willows and my buddy was out with his young Brittany dog, calling her to find the bird. Long story short, she grabbed him and pinned him to the ground and as my buddy was reaching he wriggled free and jumped and ran away into the sea of cattails. I stayed put and let my buddy and the dogs look, because it seems better with only one person giving direction to the pups. Well low and behold that little Brittany trailed him for 50 yards and grabbed him again, and this time didn't let go. My buddy was really proud and so was I, always nice to see a new dog get her first really great retrieve. We jumped one other big old late season rooster that evening, and my buddy missed a tough shot.