2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

I like the one where the bird flies over the dredge ditch. It always amazes me how quick a dog can run down one and up the other side. That little dog is really cute.
thought that little dog was having a seizure at the beginning , shew, glad i was wrong, cool hunt
What do you guys like seeing in pheasant videos and what's a good length? Any other comments fire away. I do watch a few of them, but the mainstays are guys on this forum(that I watch). For me I don't like group hunting as much, and I don't like guys that blab constantly. Fat guys in North Dakota shooting a .410 are also a turn off.
What do you guys like seeing in pheasant videos and what's a good length? Any other comments fire away. I do watch a few of them, but the mainstays are guys on this forum(that I watch). For me I don't like group hunting as much, and I don't like guys that blab constantly. Fat guys in North Dakota shooting a .410 are also a turn off.
I want to see some turkey.