2022 Season In Pictures

Numbers were good again this year. Hard to keep all the pups happy. The flush is the rush. It Is not always this way. Enjoy the bounty.
Just got back home from ND. Covered a lot of miles- birds were “spotty”. We were in them or we weren’t- staying mobile was the key. Saw a lot of birds no doubt- had some long 400 and 500 yard races. LOTS of Huns- hunting them in October is not the same game as September! They had our number! Dogs pointed plenty of sharpies- just wasn’t mad at them so I flushed and didn’t shoot. I was after roosters and Huns on this trip. My older dog Lilly sustained an injury and was out after 1 1/2 days. Ruby carried the torch for 4 1/2 days on this trip and I couldn’t have been more proud of her. I love ND and can’t wait to return. GL to all this season and be safe!F860E29F-3982-4497-9E9C-801FC52D6C87.jpeg
Today was beautiful. By the time I left work, I knew it would be a stretch to get in even a short walk but I pushed the limits. Went home, changed quick and grabbed the dogs. We had a two very memorable retrieves tonight and our team effort yielded a quick limit. Man I dislike the days getting shorter. IMG_2386.jpegIMG_2393.jpeg
Hey all, went out after work for a couple hours. Saw quite a few birds, but the boy birds were pretty wild. Did manage one and a grouse, so a good couple hours well spent. Raina did well, except one time she got stupid and flushed one wild. Oh well, can't be perfect all the time!

Today I used my 12b Coggie Konor



No kidding. That's a haul. I've never even SEEN one.
Huns are the most sporty bird that we hunt. Put them in a covey on a windy prairie day and it makes for tricky shooting. Plenty of sharpies around, but we pass on them in pursuit of Huns. Great year for opportunities. I have seen many population swings in the last 36 years of chasing Huns. Enjoy the bounty. Look for wheat near light cover.
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I have seen many population swings in the last 36 years of chasing Huns.
The daily bag limit here in MN is 5. I find that to be a bit of a head scratcher considering I've never even seen one. There must be a sizable reproducing population of them somewhere if the daily bag limit if 5.
Hey all, very good day today! The weather was just beautiful! Absolutely wonderful, nice breeze, sun and warm......the perfect fall day. Anyway, I was able to get my first limit of the year, and I got it in about 20 minutes. Went after some grouse after that, but didn't see a one, oh well! Addie did a fantastic job today, she was on the top of her game. Hope tomorrow will bring more of the same.

Used my 16ga Arrieta 871 (this one has Boss style engraving)


And the hero of the day.....Addie!



Hey all, went out after Church for a couple hours (had to be home in time for Sunday supper). Only managed one. Didn't see many today, it was very warm, dry and little wind. Addie did well with this one. He hit the ground running and Addie was led on a merry chase.....Addie won.

Anyway, used my 12b H&H Royal today



So Greg’s photos with vintage shotguns , each day with a different escort. How many days of taking birds, does he conclude before he starts over the rotation?;)
I hope for Greg’s retirement fund, over 30 days. Impressive. Supplies the church pheasant feed fund raiser too.