I made it out to a couple of spots south of Sleepy Eye again with another buddy and his dog. We went into one WMA right at 9am and in our first pass we probably saw 4-5 hens and one rooster which we hit in the wing on a long shot and got the bird down. We searched hard for it but I think it just ran off quickly before the dogs could get there. After that we drove to a couple of WMAs near by and saw a lot of other trucks and hunters. We were driving along one WMA when a rooster flew right past the hood of the car and ~100 yards into the WMA. We got out and looked for that rooster for a while but couldn't find him. Didn't see anything else the rest of the time walking that WMA.
Regardless, it was a perfect morning for hunting yesterday. So it was fun to get the dogs out running and on a couple of birds. Went to a local bar in Fairfax on the way back and had a burger topped with pulled pork which made the trip almost worth it.
I might try a few spots closer to St. Paul this weekend, maybe around the Hutchinson area. Anyone have any luck over there so far this season?
I'm thinking I might save my 2-3 long drives out west for a couple of weeks out once I know all of the corn is out.
Regardless, it was a perfect morning for hunting yesterday. So it was fun to get the dogs out running and on a couple of birds. Went to a local bar in Fairfax on the way back and had a burger topped with pulled pork which made the trip almost worth it.
I might try a few spots closer to St. Paul this weekend, maybe around the Hutchinson area. Anyone have any luck over there so far this season?
I'm thinking I might save my 2-3 long drives out west for a couple of weeks out once I know all of the corn is out.