2012 snake avoidance Course


Active member

Attention All Dog Owners/Lovers

Whose Dogs Live and Play in Snake Country

The Colorado Gun Dog Association (a pointing dog club) is hosting the 2012 Snake Avoidance Course for all dog breeds Saturday June 23rd & Sunday June 24th at Quail Run near Elizabeth, CO. You will be entered on a first come first serve basis except those who are registered and show up early will have priority. The wait is not usually long and we are set up to accommodate many more than have registered.

Most dogs do not know what a snake is or aware of the dangers of a rattlesnake encounter. They are very curious and are bitten when they investigate. The snakes bite as a defensive action. Our course introduces dogs to real rattlesnakes safely. Each dog gets individual treatment. One of our handlers will lead your dog through the course then you will participate at the finish. Be aware that he/she will get shocked by an electric collar in a way that he/she will blame the snake. This is the only time the snakes & handler is available this year. You may come either day.

There is plenty of room for your dog/s in this clinic. This course does not take long, 10 to 15 minutes per dog, so we can educate many dogs.

We will be there until at least 1:00 pm, all dogs are taken care of or we can't go on. You need not show up at 8:00 am but those registered who come at around 7:30 to 8:00 am will have priority on a first come first serve basis.

Walk-ins ( not registered ) are welcome. Sending in the application and payment beforehand will make the process go smoother and those registered that come at around 7:30 to 8:00 am will have priority (see attachment). Please pass the word to your dog loving friends.

See the attached flyer and new EZ application. Make check payable to: CGDA

This service is for all breeds,


Fred Prior

CGDA Snake Avoidance Course


This is definitely worth your time and money. I have run my dog through this and will run my "new" dog though it this year. This is good for even non-hunting dogs as the snakes do not discriminate.
We have done this 2x with our male Weim - Dakota, and 1x with our 10 year female Weim. The puppy (10 months) will be going through the course with CGDA in June. He will likely be one of the dogs that have to go through a couple of times in the same day - very stubborn and driven, almost to a fault. Maybe he will be a quick learner though?

A quick personal observation ...
Dakota was curious about the first snake - taped rattles ... got zapped, came off of his feet and wanted nothing to do with >that< snake. He was taken over to the rattlesnake with un-taped rattles, but the rattles drew him in ... only minutes after getting zapped on the first snake! We took him back a year later, for a refresher course and he is good.

Both dogs will wake up from a sound sleep with a look of concern if they hear rattlesnakes or hissing snakes on TV. Mission accomplished!

It might be tough to watch, but it is certainly worth it. We have seen the results of going through the course in real life with our own dogs and they wanted nothing to do with the rattlesnake.

Also, I helped out with collaring dogs last year, and was surprised to hear so many stories of dogs that had been bitten or had encounters in garages and not out in the field!
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I will be there Saturday morning with my GSP "Ziggy." He is a little over 2-years old and this will be his first snake clinic.

I'll be in a silver Toyora 4-Runner, and encourage other forum members to introduce themsleves.

I will be there with my two setters on Saturday. Its going to be a long weekend with 8 hours of driving each way.
Yup, rattlesnakes are pretty bad and anything you can do to minimize the possibility of a dog getting bit and being serverly injured or dying are worth it.

For me, I have my dog vaccinated with the snake vaccine, and then I am doing the snake avoidance training.
Yup, rattlesnakes are pretty bad and anything you can do to minimize the possibility of a dog getting bit and being serverly injured or dying are worth it.

For me, I have my dog vaccinated with the snake vaccine, and then I am doing the snake avoidance training.

My Vet here doesn't recommend the Vaccine, but I hear other people speak highly of it.

I will be in my Dark blue F150 , or in Josh's (Huntersdad) Red F150. May see you there.
Setternut - Interesting. I would be curious to know why your vet doesn't recommend the snake vaccine? Is it a cost-benefit analysis, or does your vet feel there is a downside to using the vaccine?
I'll be there as well, with my dog Tater, and two of my hunting buddies dogs , they can't make it so my Dog training bud and his dog and I will be making the trip over from the western slope on Saturday. (three labs and a Gsp)
Setternut - Interesting. I would be curious to know why your vet doesn't recommend the snake vaccine? Is it a cost-benefit analysis, or does your vet feel there is a downside to using the vaccine?

I am going to talk to her again, I think she is worried about side effects in relation to the benifits. Never hurts to get a 2nd opnion.

I know a couple of Vet at K-State that I will give a call and ask them about it.
I'll be there helping out on Saturday ... on the other side of the trailer from the snakes! :D

We're running our 10 month old through it.

*Planning to shoot some clays after, but it is supposed to be ~100 on Sat, I might be "shot" after helping out all morning.
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I ran Ziggy through the snake breaking course this morning as planned. Everything went well and Ziggy now knows that rattlesnakes are evil and avoids them like the devil.

There must'a been at least 100 people there when I left 9:30.

I'll probably run Ziggy through the process again next year just to make sure he hasn't forgotten the evil ways of buzzworms.
Hot, hot, hot. Long day at the snake clinic, 180 dogs went through today. Tomorrwo Sunday is expected to be about a 1/4 of that. Something to think about nesxt year. I tried to get there early but got lost. When I finally arrived at 8:10 there were about 100 people in line, so I just volunteered for the rest of the day and ran Dakota through the snakes at 3:00pm. I, in straw hat, gray shirt,dry sense of humor, was working crowd control, and putting on collars and leads under the awning, generally running around. Ran into Setternut and his beautiful dogs but missed CO-Wiemeriner and Ziggy. What is ziggy I'm sure I'll remember him.
sdt-Evergreen - Ziggy is a 70lb male GSP. He was roughly the 30th dog to go through at about 9:15, right after a large Golden Retriever.

180 dogs!? Wow, that is a lot of dogs! And it was indeed hot. There was a long line when I arrived at 7:15 Saturday morning. Next time, I will arrive earlier, or do it later on Sunday. Standing in that line in the heat was not fun. Worth it, but not fun.
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