2012 snake avoidance Course

Evergreen it was good to meet you yesterday. Really appreciated all the time and effort of the team there. It was a tough long day for everyone there.

Josh (Huntersdad) and I got in line about 8:30, and we were done at 1:30. Then I dove straight back to Manhattan.

I am pretty sure that my dogs will not be interesting in snakes :D They got the message that they are not to be messed with.

Hope it went smoothly today. Thats a long time for everyone to be out in the heat.

Well worth the drive !!! We left at 3:30 am and got there at 7:30 to see about twenty or more already there in line. After about another 1/2 hr there were at least a hundred dogs and owners in line. A Big THANK YOU to The Texas snake man, Fred and especially the Volunteers, they were just great and extremely helpful. We ran four dogs and there were only two of us, would have been way harder if not for the many volunteers.

Thanks Again
I arrived to QR, early, got a quick training session in on the north field, then had an emergency at work, had to abandon Mrs. CO_Weimar with Blitz. Just returned from another work crisis tonight ... and that was my weekend. Grrr. Not exactly what I had in mind. :rolleyes:

Blitz figured out that he didn't like snakes on snake #1. I had figured that he would be stubborn, and that it might take a couple of lessons, very glad that this wasnt the case.

Hot, hot, hot. Long day at the snake clinic, 180 dogs went through today. Tomorrwo Sunday is expected to be about a 1/4 of that. Something to think about nesxt year. I tried to get there early but got lost. When I finally arrived at 8:10 there were about 100 people in line, so I just volunteered for the rest of the day and ran Dakota through the snakes at 3:00pm. I, in straw hat, gray shirt,dry sense of humor, was working crowd control, and putting on collars and leads under the awning, generally running around. Ran into Setternut and his beautiful dogs but missed CO-Wiemeriner and Ziggy. What is ziggy I'm sure I'll remember him.
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Yeh, I was glad Dakota figured it out right away. She was in full hunt mod with nose to the ground right to the snake and zap, that was all she needed, the second snake she just hung to the dog wrangler and made a very wide arc around the snake. Just hope she remembers.