2012 Pheasant Releases!


Well-known member
It looks like 2012 promises to be a great season for pheasant hunting in PA.! The PGC has announced that stocking will increase from the current 100,000 to over 200,000 Ringnecks! It will also release birds more often and longer into the season. Thank You PGC, it's pretty obvious that you "get it"! :thumbsup::10sign:
My understanding is that the funding came from the recent Gas Royalties on some state owned properties.But more importantly to the small game hunter is the fact that the Game Commission saw the need to use the funding for this project.We should all support and commend their efforts.It would have been very easy to divert this money into a deer or turkey program.

It looks like they will be releasing birds 5 times a year!
When I picked up the chicks the guy from the PGC said there would be two more in season releases. I'm guessing the extra releases would be during week 3 and 4 of the season. I'm looking forward to it.
Yep! They want to extend the season as much as possible. They have a few other ideas in mind as well, but I'm not sure if they have finalized them yet!

It will be great to hunt some "new" Co-op's this year!