I do use the B&P F2 in #7 shot up here in MI for grouse in the 2nd barrel, early part of season use a #8 shell then a #7 1/2 in the first barrel. You can tell the difference between the #7 and the #7 1/2 and #8 when bringing down grouse, it kills them.
Not sure where everyone is hunting pheasants, but for years I lived in NE KS and the next flush could be either a covey of quail or a pheasant. To solve the shell issue, the first barrel had a #7 1/2 and the 2nd barrel mag #4 or #5 shot (all lead shells). If a covey got up then I only shot once and then followed up on singles with #7 1/2. When a pheasant would get up I would shoot the first barrel with the #7 1/2 and be prepared to fire the second, sometimes based on the birds direction of flush or distance to the bird, would dictate I fire the 2nd barrel initially. Most flushes from the pheasants were under 30 yrds and the #7 1/2 would frequently bring them down (90%) and a follow-up shot not needed, but that being said quite a few of those birds were still alive when they hit the ground and the dog was relied upon. She was a flushing lab and very good at her job, honestly in 8yrs of hunting her I probably lost 5 or less birds?? There were also times I didn't fire due to range, but they were few as well and would of probably held fire even if I had two magnum shells in the gun. I hunted almost daily from start of season to the very last day.
So to summarize, based on where you hunt and what species besides pheasant get up...the smaller shot can work, but you need to have a really good dog. I have not shot the #7 B&P on birds in KS but my son and I have a rare opportunity...neither of us are currently deployed (both Army) and got leave at same time so we are meeting in KS next week to do some hunting! I plan to do the same trick again with a #7 B&P in the first barrel and #4 or 5 magnum in the second (16ga)
Also I checked and Aerostar still has 16ga F2 #7 shot available, the website says "limited supply" but they are still there. They only sell by the case (200 rds) and the price was I think $115. To find them google "aerostar shotshells"
In my humble opinion
Not sure where everyone is hunting pheasants, but for years I lived in NE KS and the next flush could be either a covey of quail or a pheasant. To solve the shell issue, the first barrel had a #7 1/2 and the 2nd barrel mag #4 or #5 shot (all lead shells). If a covey got up then I only shot once and then followed up on singles with #7 1/2. When a pheasant would get up I would shoot the first barrel with the #7 1/2 and be prepared to fire the second, sometimes based on the birds direction of flush or distance to the bird, would dictate I fire the 2nd barrel initially. Most flushes from the pheasants were under 30 yrds and the #7 1/2 would frequently bring them down (90%) and a follow-up shot not needed, but that being said quite a few of those birds were still alive when they hit the ground and the dog was relied upon. She was a flushing lab and very good at her job, honestly in 8yrs of hunting her I probably lost 5 or less birds?? There were also times I didn't fire due to range, but they were few as well and would of probably held fire even if I had two magnum shells in the gun. I hunted almost daily from start of season to the very last day.
So to summarize, based on where you hunt and what species besides pheasant get up...the smaller shot can work, but you need to have a really good dog. I have not shot the #7 B&P on birds in KS but my son and I have a rare opportunity...neither of us are currently deployed (both Army) and got leave at same time so we are meeting in KS next week to do some hunting! I plan to do the same trick again with a #7 B&P in the first barrel and #4 or 5 magnum in the second (16ga)
Also I checked and Aerostar still has 16ga F2 #7 shot available, the website says "limited supply" but they are still there. They only sell by the case (200 rds) and the price was I think $115. To find them google "aerostar shotshells"
In my humble opinion