1-13-13 flushing survey

Here are the numbers from the flushing survey:

Group 1: 2 M 2 F
Group 2: 13 M 10 F
Group 3: 15 M 30 F
Group 4: 14 M 29 F
Group 5: 2 M 8 F
Group 6: 5 M 0 F

Some groups flushed more than one area.

Total 52 M 79 F

I think more site will be flushed over the next two weeks. I'm not sure how the numbers compared to last year but I though people would like to see this info.

These numbers are really impressive when you consider that just 300 hundred birds were released two years ago, out of this just 25 were males. Obviously there's been good reproduction.
Some of those 25 original roosters may have died from exhaustion.

I will be anxious to hear the results of the spring crowing counts.
Some very good things happening in Pa. Keep up the good work fellas.:cheers: