Search results

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    What would your reaction be?

    If a guy shot a bird my dog had pointed I would have taught him some manners!
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    What would you do?

    He's not a friend I would never hunt with him again. My friends would never do tha.
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    Heading to Kansas

    Just a reminder if the back roads are muddy don't go down them the graders won't run for maybe weeks and the farmers need to drive on them. Makes for some mad farmers.
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    Private land in south central

    I am looking for private land in south central sd for two.Date is nov 7th thru the 11. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
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    Garmin alpha

    I have a like new never hunted with alpha with one TT15 collar that I am going to sell asking 695 you can email me at thanks.
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    Day fee to hunt

    Looking for some quality quail land for next year for day hunt trespass fee. Anyone know where that can happen looking for northern part of the state.
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    Irish setter havocs on sale

    Sierra trading post has setter havocs on sale right now for 129.99. I already bought a pair off amazon this year but got me another coming can't pass up that deal.
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    Hunting atlas app

    Anyone know of a app for public land in sd fir a iPad thanks.
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    combo hunt

    Hey guys my buddy and i are thinking about coming to nd for a combo pheasant duck hunt in nov. Never been to nd any ideas where to start. We have been to canada and want a combo hunt. Not looking for anyones spot just some idea where we can get into some good hunting thanks tim.
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    Tribal land

    I am thinking about coming up and hunt tribal land for pheasants and ducks. Does anyone have any pointers thanks.