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  1. Soonerhead

    Re: Mountain Lion

    Re: Mountain Lion Here is some new info.....kinda cool.
  2. Soonerhead

    Anything Yet???

    Does anyone have any reports from opening weekend or any other day so far, as far as that goes???
  3. Soonerhead

    Quail Seeds...

    Ok guys, I'm not much of a deep are you supposed to plant these things??? :D They look pretty ferocious if you ask me!
  4. Soonerhead

    Speaking of low bird numbers...

    My little brother lives out in Denver and his wife just did her bi-annual vehicle upgrade, so he gave me his car, I just had to fly out and drive it back. This was during opening weekend of course, but I tell you what, I have NEVER seen so mony hawks in my life!!! It seemed like there was...
  5. Soonerhead

    RE: How about a 2 bird limit???

    RE: How about a 2 bird limit??? First, guys, thanks for all the was VERY interesting to see what I saw and learned what I learned from ya'll. More importantly, I think we may have finally killed that danged Residents only first weekend post! hehe Next, here is another one I have...
  6. Soonerhead

    Crazy Weather Much?!?!?

    Today's weather report has a number of safety precautions you should take note of: Tornados are coming - seek shelter in the interior of your house. Earthquakes are coming - avoid the interior of your home..go outside if possible.... There's lightning outside - avoid high ground. There's a flash...
  7. Soonerhead

    How about a 2 bird limit???

    Ok, here goes. I have seen a ton of postings about the question of residents only opening weekend. I just wanted to throw this out there to see how everyone feels regarding low bird numbers. Personally, I would fully support a two bird, or even 1 bird per day limit, especially after the severe...
  8. Soonerhead

    Low bird numbers?!?!? NO Problem....

    I know EXACTLY where I'm gonna hunt this year....It has been so dry and sparse, you can open up Google Earth and zoom in to em'!:thumbsup: I think I see one now in a corner in a Hodgeman county WIHA field...hope he's still there in a few more weeks!!! Hehehe:nutz:
  9. Soonerhead

    Well, it finally got me!

    To all my friends and aquaintences on here, I apologize for my recent absence. Seems I caught the unemployment bug as of 8/30 after 8 years of employment. I knew things were bad for a while before that, but I honestly never saw it coming. I guess when the new site director says, "what would you...
  10. Soonerhead

    I hope Kansas is gettin' more than us...

    This could be a pretty bleak year all around...this is officially the hottest and driest year ever in my neck of the woods. It is so dry, I heard the ODWC is going to start spraying the catfish for ticks!!! I'm really feeling for you guys that make a living off the land. It's drier than a...
  11. Soonerhead

    RE:Thoughts on this past season

    RE:Thoughts on this past season Kansas and it's fine folks helped me get back to what truly makes me happy this year. I was battling a pretty severe bout of depression when I went, and oddly enough, after two days scaring roosters, I was cured! Pretty simple really. Lookin' back, I guess it...
  12. Soonerhead

    Help pointing

    Ok, you guys are the experts and this female GSP is my first GSP but I'm doing it all myself. I have no money to spend on a professional trainer so I'd like to know what or how you guys do it. Of course she'll point and I can hide a wing feather in the yard or the woods and she will find it...
  13. Soonerhead

    Any luck yet??

    I just wanted to check with you guys and see if anyone has been out and had any luck. I have never hunted for pheasants out west, but would like to before season is over. Also, are the public areas out that way worth trying, or would I be better off asking for permission? Any help at all will be...
  14. Soonerhead

    Request for Kansas

    Just a thought...I LOVE Kansas and am proud to call the state my neighbor! I think I have a solution to the problem I see mentioned a lot on here about the large number of hunters....Think you guys could pressure your legislators into enacting a law that states that your state must be a member...
  15. Soonerhead

    Thanks guys!

    Well, it's over. I did end up going by myself and a lot of you were right. My dog and I had a GREAT time! Jumped 15 roosters the first day by ourselves! I only got one, but not because of lack of opportunities, but more because I haven't practiced shooting, lol. I met a couple of amazing people...
  16. Soonerhead

    That Feelin'

    Remember when you were a kid and there were presents under the tree but you couldn't open em' yet? Or how about the first fishin' trip of the year, and you bobber starts to wiggle and you know you're gonna slay em that day? Yeah....I got it bad!!!!!! Tick....tick.....tick
  17. Soonerhead

    Last Time...almost ready!

    Ok guys, I'm going to be hunting WIHA land. What would you suggest. I'm trying to finalize my maps and plans for opening morning. Would you suggest Gray, Hodgeman, or Rush county? Thanks in advance for any info I can Get, Stacy and Freckles
  18. Soonerhead

    Birds Near Hodgeman??

    Hi all. I am going to be hunting with either a buddy or by myself with a green GSP, (7 months old.) What I'm wanting to know is if I am wasting my time hunting in the northwest corner of Hodgeman county? I do not know the area, but it doesn't look as full of agriculture as I would have...
  19. Soonerhead

    Howdy...from Broken Arrow... Need a little help please.

    First time back in 24 years...Heeeelp To anyone who may read this: My name is Stacy, I had a "friend of a friend," contact in Garden City to take me with his party, but looks like that might not pan out. Would anyone like to join me on opening weekend? I have a dog, but she's only 7 months old...
  20. Soonerhead

    Help please...I'd like to join a Kansas group opening morning if possible?

    My name is Stacy, I had a friend of a friend, type contact in Garden City to take me with his party, but looks like that might not pan out. Would anyone like to join me on opening weekend? I have a dog, but she's only 7 months old and I wouldn't force that on my worst enemy, so she won't be...