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  1. M

    Small Victories (Partidge Pea fighting for space)

    Had a nice walk on the farm today. Flushed 3 young of the year pheasants out of a newish patch of native warm season grasses. Not anything to write home about for many of you, but hopefully a reminder for those of us East of the Mississippi that with work a few birds can find a place. So...
  2. M

    Frost interseeding rye/brome? What might work?

    Western IL We have had good success at the farm establishing NWG filter strips. The filter strips are fed by grass waterways which due to age and mowing have become rye/brome grass dominated (not sure which). I'm considering trying to frost seed into the waterways perhaps 100' up from the NWG...
  3. M

    Thoughts on neonicotinoid insecticides?

    I've been of a mind that much of the incredible decline in pheasant and quail hunting East of the Miss might be related to to widespread use of RoundUp. It's use seemed to coincide with the decline, and we don't really see bird numbers in many areas even if there is habitat. I had a couple...
  4. M

    NW KS report 12/27-29

    Just finishing up our annual hunt. This year we could not get access to the private land we had access to the last two years (health issues with the owner) so hunted WIHA with one private tract we could get on. Conditions were difficult. None of the dogs performed well. I assume the very dry...
  5. M

    Short hunt report

    Just back from 4 days in ND chasing sharpies and huns. Hunted NW this year, and that was a big mistake. Found one field with a mix of grass, snowberries, and cut wheat that was good. Saw a decent number of sharpies and a big covey of huns there and killed a few. Mix of snowberry leaves (? I...
  6. M

    Put some hope in regenerative farming

    Rented the farm to a different breed of farmer this year. He is doing “regenerative” farming a la Gabe Brown. What I’m seeing in IL is that $1,000/ac gross revenue and $50/ac+ cash rent losses on CRP acres (at the low end we will see $100+ downside this year if corn prices stay above $5) have...
  7. M

    Who is doing some spring habitat work?

    Last fall was rough on the farm. My farmer mowed most of my CRP without asking so he could spray for thistle. Saw 2 nice coveys opening weekend despite lack of cover on the majority of the property. Then a heavy wet snow hit and smashed what was left _flat_ as a pancake. Never saw another...
  8. M

    Is rural Kansas dying?

    I don't ask to be mean, just an observation. 4th year hunting KS. Went to a steak restaurant in Mankata on Thursday night around 7. 3 of us and 2 ladies in a place with a couple dozen tables. Only 1 waitress working. Owner asks us if we're hunting pheasants. Says 20 or 30 years ago he...
  9. M

    Small grains for quail in corn/bean country.....where to start

    Farm is high quality corn/bean ground in Western IL, just south of I-80. Thinking about talking to my farmer about setting aside 5 to 10 acres of small grains on my family's farm next spring. I currently have about 2 coveys of quail using some CRP on the property. I think I could add maybe...
  10. M

    Saw the first quail on my family's property (Update: Covey Found!!)

    :) Went out to the property today to check my CRP and shrub/covey headquarter plantings. The bad news is the mid-contract management plantings on the filter strips look horrible (dead grass and weeds), and at least half of the shrub seedlings I planted in the spring appear dead or choked out...
  11. M

    Help w/ Glypho41 Plus and replant time

    Well I didn't plan ahead and my bare root shrubs are here. I have 400 to put in the ground ASAP (this Monday!) because of travel and work. I had planned to spray my covey headquarters area with Glyphosate to set the brome grass back before I planted the shrubs. Now my window is short! So can...
  12. M

    Pathetic Public Land Wild Bird Hunting in IL

    I think we all know how pathetic the public land hunting is for upland bird hunters in IL, but I never knew how truly bad it was. I was looking around on the IL DNR website and I see they publish an annual report of hunter trips and harvest on the 215 IL DNR managed hunting sites...
  13. M

    Grouse guide around Mercer or Park Falls?

    Anyone have a recommendation for a knowledgeable grouse guide anywhere in the Mercer or Park Falls areas for a reasonable price? I have never hunted grouse before and would not like to waste days hunting cover that doesn't hold birds because I don't know what to look for. Looked all over the...
  14. M

    Ideas for fall planting thicket/shrubs?

    NW IL farm. Thinking about a small habitat project for the fall. One of the things that the property lacks is a so called "covey headquarters" type habitat. The information I got from Univ of MO has some recommendations such as dogwood, hazelnut, plum. Thicket type woody cover. USDA sheets...
  15. M

    Dec 9 & 10 Hunt Report

    Hunted 12/9-10 out of Irish Creek Lodge, Haven, KS. Have a new young setter Ace that needs some experience. Day 1 started out in the small field next to the lodge while Steve got some other hunters going. Dog had a few points. Killed a pheasant and a quail over solid points. Pointed a hen...
  16. M

    From IL 'burbs

    Greetings from the rural burbs outside of Chicago. I've been hunting pheasants and quail since dad took me to hunter safety when I was 10. Unfortunately that means most of my time is spent chasing pen raised birds due to location. Currently working on an ongoing habitat project at family...