Search results

  1. M. R. Byrd

    Accidental Pheasants in W Kansas

    I don't get away from the Ponderosa often to see other areas around here, but a wedding and a distance parts run got me out and about SW Kansas. Time on the road is a time of reflection for me. I am always looking for wildlife(only saw one pheasant hatch) and looking at the habitat of the area...
  2. M. R. Byrd

    Merry Christmas

    Today many may be taking to the roads traveling to their Christmas destinations. I pray for safe travels for those traveling. We will attend the early Christmas Eve service, so can be back in time to hear the cows talk at mid night at the Ponderosa. To all here on UPH, we wish you and yours a...
  3. M. R. Byrd

    California waterfall?

    This post has nothing to do with California bird hunting, but know there are a number of you from California here on UPH. I am trying to identify the location in this photo. The man on the left is my grandfather. He spent some time in the late 30's at his brother-in-law's ranch about 50 miles...
  4. M. R. Byrd

    Hunter education, fishing, archery taught at Dodge City High School

    I believe there has been about 350 at Dodge City High School through the Hunter Ed Class. This isn't the article I was looking for, but talks some about the outdoor classes at the school. It is a great program.
  5. M. R. Byrd

    Mini Series on Harley Davidson Racing on Discovery Channel

    This three part mini series airs Monday, September 5, 2016 at 8PMCDT and then Tuesday, September 6th and Wednesday, September 7th. Dodge City will be featured in the series. There were national races held here beginning on July 4th, 1914, then in 1916, 1920, 1921. These were 300 mile races...
  6. M. R. Byrd

    This Friday Night in Dodge City

    Once in a while this old farmer hits the town. Shower, shave and some clean clothes. Well tonight was Final Friday in Dodge and we decided to take in the town. This event happens on the last Friday of the month and is an art/cultural/social event, something that I sure don't make many, but...
  7. M. R. Byrd

    WIHA receives Federal Grant to expand.

    Check this out--- $2.7 million
  8. M. R. Byrd

    1st Lesser Prairie Chicken Brood

    Saw my first brood of the season today. Don't know how many she had in the grass as I only saw one go into the grass. I do have some video of her talking to her brood on my new iPhone 6. If I can figure out how to get it on here I will. The video is 2:50 and too big to email, the phone says.
  9. M. R. Byrd

    Flowers at the Ponderosa (pic heavy)

    It was a little breezy this afternoon, but on the way back to headquarters from the field I snapped pictures of blooms. to be continued---
  10. M. R. Byrd

    What is this shrub?

    This shrub is on a new place here at Dodge, but I don't know what it is. Anyone help with id? Thanks.
  11. M. R. Byrd

    Kansas Elk Season about over

    Well only a couple more weeks of Kansas elk season and it will be tag soup again. I am not surprised since I have not seen any elk at the Ponderosa for a couple years now. A few years ago my neighbors took some nice bulls. Every year, I call it my annual donation to Kansas Department of...
  12. M. R. Byrd

    Today in SW Kansas

    I need to find some areas to hunt pheasants for some friends coming next week. I travel the back roads everyday and have not been seeing any birds, so decided to scout today. An early morning scout found no birds. The early evening scout drew a blank also, except just before dark I spotted a...
  13. M. R. Byrd

    Weather for the opener

    Forecast for Dodge: Friday night low of 43 Saturday high of 58 with NNW winds at 26 Saturday night low of 34 Sunday high of 65 with SSW winds at 16 It has been windy(30+mph) the past few days. I am not seeing much wildlife. Today in my travels I did see a single lesser prairie chicken, a...
  14. M. R. Byrd

    Whitetail fawns

    My hired man and I pull in to the Ponderosa this morning and I see a whitetail doe about a quarter mile away sprinting over a terrace coming out of my CRP grass and going into my wheat field. I say to my hand, "Look at the doe and the fawn running behind her" and as I pull forward just a bit I...
  15. M. R. Byrd

    Cattails wanted

    I am looking for some cattails to use in some stink bait. Anyone have any they could spare?
  16. M. R. Byrd

    Granddaughter in Hollywood

    My granddaughter(in pink dress) after the American Idol show on May 7th.
  17. M. R. Byrd

    Lesser prairie chicken listed as threatened.

    Those of you that follow the news on the LPC probably have heard of the listing this past month. I continue to work to provide suitable habitat for the LPC. This drought of the last four years has been a real killer of many species of wildlife in my area and has left me pretty much helpless...
  18. M. R. Byrd

    Trees and shrub planting this year.

    The tree planting contractor will show up in the morning. A little over two row miles of trees and shrubs. Two row, three row and some four row plantings. Hoped for some rain prior to planting, but all plantings will have weed barrier, plus drip tape buried below the barrier, so water will begin...
  19. M. R. Byrd

    Dodge City, the Movie to show in KC

    Hello Kansas City friends. Here is the opportunity to see the movie at the KC Library this Saturday. My friend Stan Trekell is also having a lunch prior to the movie. I wish I could attend, but can't. Some other good movies coming up at the KC Library. Check out the movie trailer linked at...
  20. M. R. Byrd

    Dodge City, the Movie to show in KC

    Hello Kansas City friends. Here is the opportunity to see the movie at the KC Library this Saturday. My friend Stan Trekell is also having a lunch prior to the movie. I wish I could attend, but can't. Some other good movies coming up at the KC Library. Check out the movie trailer linked at...