Search results

  1. birddude

    Worth the trip?

    Thinking about a late season trip. Anyone have a report from Marion/Logan counties? I know the pheasant numbers are down but quail numbers worth the trip?
  2. birddude

    Front feet??

    Have heard guys say they only put boots on their dog's front feet. Anyone have an opinion? I'm not sure it's worth the risk.
  3. birddude

    Trust your dog

    For the last couple days, all three dogs have been obsessed with a half drum of scrap steel out back in a lean to. I told them to cut the crap as I am not emptying out all that steel just so they can smell a mouse nest. Then, on a 93-degree afternoon I see two dogs digging the gravel from around...
  4. birddude

    Land prices.

    If any of you guys are thinking about buying some ground, you might want to do it now. We were looking for 40-80 acers a few years ago but prices got out of hand before we got it done. It seemed like it took a few years or so before the prices raised out west so just to let you know, the prices...
  5. birddude

    On X question

    I'm tech. challenged, so forgive me.. I'm trying. I finally got it figured out on my phone and it works great. I would like something with a bigger screen. Loaded it on my wife's Kendal but couldn't get it to work outside the hose. Is that because the kindal doesn't work on a satellite signal...
  6. birddude

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all. Best wishes to each and every one of you. I pray we are all here next year for a few more interesting and informative talks and lively debate!!🎅
  7. birddude


    I used to hear a lot about the Southwest corner. Don't hear much these days. Anyone have any updates on the area?
  8. birddude

    Another Turk

    Anyone tried the Charles Daly 500? 20 ga., 26's, splinter forearm, knobby butt stock, 5.5 lbs. 650.00. Sounds too good to be true.
  9. birddude


    Wear sunscreen boys! Although they tell me the damage was probably done before i ever heard of sunscreen. Never once went into the sun for a tan or ever was in a tanning booth. But more days than most in the field and probably worse on the water
  10. birddude


    Maybe a dumb question, but why is there still cattail draws in the Dakotas? Is it because they can't be drained because there is no place to drain them? Soil composition? Literally everything here is now field tiled. High ground, low ground. If it's farmed it's tiled! Also, if anyone knows, is...
  11. birddude


    I've wondered about this for a long time. I'm old enough to remember the tall tales from the 30's about the big bronze-colored bobwhites my grandpa and his brothers hunted. They almost always watched them land after the flush. They were half again the size of the birds we have now. When I was a...
  12. birddude


    I'm so glad I found this sight. I have very much enjoyed it. I'm sorry if I've ruffled any feathers, it was never my intention. I feel like I know some of you guys. I know I would enjoy your company! I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like we share something a little deeper than trucks...
  13. birddude

    Being prepared

    I expect most of you guys in the western and northern states are prepared for these kind of weather events. But you wouldn't believe how many people down here are not prepared. I always thought I was prepared until I got caught in Kansas once in an ice storm. Long story short it was a bad deal...
  14. birddude

    UH OH

    I Watch a long-range weather guy on YouTube called pow ponder. Polar vortex coming around Christmas! Bone chilling weather coming. If it screw me out of a late season trip it will be two years in a row :mad:
  15. birddude

    Where's all the Nebraska guys?

    I've never been there. Had a truck driving friend tell me today it looks pretty good in the south central.
  16. birddude


    Anyone tried the Tri star Trinity LT? I'm kicking around an ultralight 20? O/U
  17. birddude

    Tragedy averted with Technology

    Yesterday on the way back to the truck I got a on point signal on my Garmin 45 yards ahead. When we got there, we saw that there was a large blowdown with two trees on top of each other. As we are assessing the situation, I lost signal on the Garmin about the same time we heard a muffled...
  18. birddude

    Blond bird

    I’ve seen this coloration before. It’s a pen raised bird from a put and take hunt. my grandson shot it yesterday. I skined it. I’ll try and do something with it and give it to him.
  19. birddude


    How are the quail #s around the south-central part of Iowa. DNR says #s are good south of Creston. Is that close or not. I'm trying to put together a trip to KS or Iowa.
  20. birddude

    Front toes

    Anyone have a cure for rawness on the tops of the toes besides boots? My 4-year-old wire wears the hair off the top of her front toes. I've tried the mushers stuff. didn't do much.