i was walking my lab on a dirt road then she locked up told her to get it and hen with three chicks young chicks(third maybe fourth hatching) any way it was a pur white chick thought i was seen things i let the dog work the ditch and it flew up again ... it was an all white...
just wounderin how the bird hunting is going.... its going good here i have limiting out every weekend... but man i wish i could shot more then 3 birds a day.. sunday sage and i walk a old railroad track and sage locked up on a bunch of birds ... but what is sad is i got my limit a mile away...
hey guys i have found a 1/4 section of a oat field i was wondering is it would be worth hunting... i talk to the guy and he is not going to do any work to it this fall . he isnt going to bail it so it should be about just short of knee high... its next to a corn field a pasture on the other...
hey guys i need some help... we got a black lab thats 9 weeks old and its does nothing but jump on u and nip at u... i need help to get her to quit iv tried to smach it on the nose, i have done everything but kick it across the yard.. lol i have a 2 year old back lab to and it never did that i...
just wondering if any of u guys got in on one? there is one about an hour from me march 8 and was wondering if i should jump in and do it or go watch one first?
hi guys im shon,, im from northwest iowa .. i have a black lab that just turned 2 jan. 21 and shes been hunting for 2 years..im a big pheasant hunter hope to get to know u guys better...