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  1. F

    Hunting in rain?

    And clean your gun very meticulously afterward. lol
  2. F


    Hmm, bummer we used to hunt up that way and I wanted to try it again.... We left that area after the ice storm of 2017 wiped out almost all the birds but I figured they would be back by now maybe?
  3. F

    A Day in the Field

    Great story, and if your get one of those little sharp toothed undercoat removers (for shedding) they are pretty good for burr removal *TIP 6
  4. F

    Today’s results

    I sure wish I was with you versus at my work computer though ^^^ enjoy and you will get some nice hunting days in those 10 days, use some crappy time to drive and scout land
  5. F

    MEA weekend this week?

    Yes, also if you are out this weekend guys, remember it is the youth deer hunt, any 12-17 yr old can be in the woods with a rifle or slug gun. Be careful pulling into a WMA if there is another vehicle there, they should be blaze oranged up though.
  6. F

    MN Pheasant Opener

    Went out Sunday as plans change ;) and, with my 70 yr old dad and my 13 yr old boy. We hit 4 spots, went further west than I thought.... First spot was small and we put up 2 roosters and 7-8 hens - I cracked one. We spent the next 6 hours overheating and waiting, finally putting a quick hunt...
  7. F

    First Trip to SD

    In december, you should probably focus on areas that have more WPA than WIA, there is generally cattails in those areas. No idea about campgrounds, good luck on your first time in God's country
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    Eh ^^^ I wouldn't go quite that far. The bird numbers (public) can only support so many hunters. If an area that is close to Mitchell or Huron gets shared, whatever... that spot gets pounded hard anyways. But if you call out a small town area on a website, that is going to bring in the...
  9. F

    Final countdown !!!

    I will only be able to hunt for the last couple hours of the day on Saturday, so close and quick. Good luck all. I drove a bit in central Mn, there is alot of work the farmers need to do before the hunt will get good yet. I think there will be a sweet spot this year though, of decent temps...
  10. F

    How-to Article

    I was just yanking your chain a bit... I know what you mean though about shooting yourself in the foot. I too, do 95% of all my hunting on public land and the only way I would spill secrets on spots is if there was some sort of torture going on. The sad thing is, you can walk the wrong...
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    How-to Article

    You mean like this free site UPH that has a bunch of info? :unsure:
  12. F

    2017 Hunting Reports

    I am a little bit OCD so I would rather come here for reports.... Thanks for as much info as you choose to share!
  13. F

    2017 Minnesota survey Not great news... wonder what happened to make the SW portion of MN get such a drastic change in numbers?
  14. F

    MN 2016 season recap

    Well, no one has started this so here goes. - How many times were you able to get out? - How accurate do you think the DNR report reflected the numbers? - How do you feel about the hunting opportunities? - Positive outlook for next year?
  15. F

    Deep Freeze

    Well, this would have been a good weekend opportunity to get out chasing roosters again... with the holidays coming my time is limited this season. Unfortunately the forecasted temps for Saturday and sunday are making the decision for me. Good luck to any crazy buggers that try it. I have a...
  16. F

    ND hunt requirement

    I am sure this has been hashed over here before but I couldn't find it so sorry in advance.. :) The gf site keeps referring to a fishing, hunting, furbearer certificate... What is that, or do they issue that when you buy your license? Anything else I need to know to be legal to hunt there? We...
  17. F

    Opening Day w/ Tom Brokaw

    Did anyone have a chance to watch this last night on NBCsports? I thought it was well done. Sure he visited places that I would never (financially) be able to see, but the story was great. Got the juices flowing :10sign:
  18. F

    Anyone hunt near Britton / Hecla?

    Looking to cut the drive time down a bit for the second trip out, and on the way back home we went through this area and observed the amount of crops and the CREP / WIA available. Main question is this - is there sufficient lowland (cattail) areas in this area or is it mostly high ground? I...
  19. F

    Back from the heat

    ;) It was a hot one this past weekend, eh? Our group of 6 did well on the 1/2 day we hunted on Thursday, and short day Friday. Then the locals came out and Saturday and Sunday were tougher. We hunt the Eureka area, and points south. Thursday we arrived to 76 degrees and some decent wind...