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  1. onpoint

    Phil Roberton, how he turned his life around.

    This may be one of the best motivator video's I have ever seen. This man and his family forge ahead each week with a wholesome family oriented show, in a world of TV/entertainment filled with ill. Amen brother Phil...
  2. onpoint

    The role plants play

    An excellent example of the role plants play in keeping our soil intact and even clean of impurities.
  3. onpoint

    The Bible and Vikings on History channel tonight

    Some great TV tonight. I love the History channel.
  4. onpoint

    Pheasant hunting: Pesticides, not habitat loss, leading cause of grassland birds’ dec Watcha think? Just something to toss around
  5. onpoint

    Big Block V8's

    You have to watch this Bad Ass 572 Big Block Chevy Impala.. what a ride
  6. onpoint

    No trespassing signs

    Brutally honest "No Trespassing signs" We are a friendly species....NOT! :):laugh:
  7. onpoint

    Turn that sod over boys, the drought is over
  8. onpoint

    Plan: Morrell waste on fields

    What's next? Should be good in the streams, rivers, lakes and slews
  9. onpoint

    All white Rooster

    Pretty nice one
  10. onpoint

    Pictures Don't Lie: Corn And Soybeans Are Conquering U.S. Grasslands

    From Pheasants Forever
  11. onpoint

    Waterfowl Regs from 1861-1963

    Minnesota’s Duck Hunting Regulations (1861-1963) These are taken from the "Waterfowl in Minnesota" Technical Bulletin #7 published in April 1964 by the then Minnesota Department of Conservation. This is the contents of appendix VII. 1861 - A law was enacted which provided a penalty for...
  12. onpoint

    Bob Mudens Benelli M1 super 90 on acution

    The famose shooter Bob Munden who recently passed away. His M1 Super 9o Benelli is for sale at action. Believe or not. I owned Bud Grants Super Black Eagle at one time. Just in case any of you are interested in possibly owning a piece of history...
  13. onpoint

    High volume shooting

    That's a pile of 20ga shells. I understand that for many, high volume shooting of doves can become boring. I would love to give it a go sometime but what use to be a affordable hunt, is now pretty much a rich man's game.
  14. onpoint

    Heads up on a very good priced quality SxS

    A very good quality SxS 12ga
  15. onpoint

    The perfect grainery gun

    Anybody have one? You know, the old shotgun that stands in the corner of the grainery, barn, shed, Etc. My dad has a old single barrel 12ga that weighs about 3lbs and kicks like a mule. He use to always have it leaning in the corner of the butcher shack. Used for varmints, stray grouse who...
  16. onpoint

    The "Flush" wins Golden Moose award as best bird hunting show

    The "Flush wins best bird hunting show at the Golden Moose awards on the Outdoor Channel. Congrats to Ron and crew
  17. onpoint

    January 22nd 1943 Spear Fish South Dakota

    Imagine bundling up to get the newspaper on an early morning at 7:30 a.m. with the temperature at a frigid -4 degrees. Just two minutes later as you are letting Fido have a potty break on the lawn, you notice that the frigid air you walked out the door into is not so frigid anymore. You look at...
  18. onpoint

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, John Moses Browning. It is easily argued that he was the greatest gun designer the world has ever known. His contributions to sporting firearms and the cause of freedom are incalculable. He was born this day 158 years ago.
  19. onpoint

    South Dakota is their new target

    But trust me. Everybody in their sights Now we all know why they have been bombarding our TV's with commercial after commercial. Trying to recoup their losses from their failed attempt in North Dakota and Iowa.
  20. onpoint

    Should there be standards set for land use? _____________________________ Yes I do:thumbsup: